Ahn Graphics

Signage Design Manual


In an entertaining and straightforward way, Edo Smitshuijzen’s Signage Design Manual leads the reader step by step through the individual phases of signal design. More than 800 illustrations guide him or her through this demanding process. The combination of wide coverage and precise, detailed information makes this book accessible to a broad spectrum of readers, from information and graphic designers to architects and professionals of every stripe who are involved with signal design on any level. With the publication of Smitshuijzen’s Signage Design Manual, the canon of signaletics finally has its own engaged textbook.

Edo Smitshuijzen

정부와 기업 클라이언트를 대상으로 다수의 중요한 대규모 아이덴티티 및 사이니지 프로젝트에서 디자인 책임자로 일했다. 그의 디자인 작업은 네덜란드 그래픽 디자인의 독특한 위상 정립에 일조한 바 있다. 저자가 개발한 기능별 종합 사이니지 패널 시스템은 디자인 클래식으로 자리 잡았고 지난 23년간 전 세계 시장에서 판매되었다.

Kim Young-bae

He majored in visual design at Dankook University and the Department of Applied Arts at the same graduate school. He served as the editor-in-chief of the monthly Pop Sign, Sign Culture, and Sign Korea, and as the principal of the Sign Design School at the Sign Culture Institute of Hope Production Center, he conducted “Sign Design School” educational programs in Gyeonggi-do, Chungnam-do, and Jeonnam-do. He has served as a jury member for outdoor advertisements in local governments and is currently working on an environmental design business in Alberta, Canada. His books include The Story of Signs, Understanding Outdoor Advertising in Korea, Creating Urban Landscapes with Residents, and Outdoor Advertising Practices in One Book.

Jeong Yeon-suk

Graduated from the Department of English Literature at Sogang University and the Department of Political Science at the University of Winnipeg. She contributed to the Korean edition of Lonely Planet and has worked for several years on Korean-to-English and English-to-Korean translations for travel magazines, airline in-flight publications, and design journals.

Kim Hyun-kyung

After graduating from Sogang University’s English Department, she worked at a publishing house and edited various books. She is currently working as a freelance translator for major museums and companies in Korea. Her translations include The Form of the Book Book, BIG-GAME : Everyday Objects, First Principles of Typography, 100 Classic Graphic Design Journals, I Used To Be A Design Student: 50 Graphic Designers Then And Now, Bibliographic: 100 Classic Graphic Design Books, American Writers at Home and more.
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