You need to know the right research method to see the idea
What is design research, why design research
In an era of constant change, it is not easy to predict the future. In this social environment, what kind of product should be designed, and how should it be designed? How should the necessary ideas be obtained and how should they be conveyed? The answer to these questions is research for designing products, design research.
The design field is expanding. Areas that were not considered the subject of design are now the subject of design, and as the roles that can be referred to as designers are becoming more diverse, the expertise required for design research is increasing accordingly. Design Research Textbook is an introductory book that will be helpful to everyone who conducts design research, including designers in a broad sense such as designers and design researchers, as well as planners, business developers, product developers, technicians, and customer success managers.
This book explains what design is and what products are by examining recent design trends. After understanding the reasons and background for the need for design research, it covers an overview of design research. That is, it shows what the characteristics are and in which areas design research can be utilized. Then, in the research progress order, a diagram necessary for understanding the content is added between detailed explanations, and interview examples that can be referenced for research survey methods are added. If you have learned the definition, background, and method, it is time to apply it to practice. Here, a project conducted by a company that actually conducts design research is added as a reference case.