Ahn Graphics


The History of Ahn Graphics is The History of Korean Graphic Design.

In February 1985, Ahn Graphics was established by graphic designer Ahn Sang-soo as a creative group to create a new page in the history of Korean graphic design. The company was also a publisher from its early stages in order to spread its beliefs. Since the beginning, Ahn Graphics has explored the fields of typography design and editorial design under the mottos of an experimental spirit, endless creativity, and sincerity. Today, we are publishing books with the most professional, creative, and critical text and quality design.

Ahn Graphics publishes high-quality books across a wide range of fields, including typography, information design, brand design, architecture, art, and essays. We are also committed to preserving and revitalizing traditional Korean design elements, as exemplified by our serial work Asian Art Motifs from Korea, through which we aim to establish and inherit a distinct identity for Korean designs. Additionally, we focus on research and publishing initiatives that promote the social and public value of design. Moving forward, Ahn Graphics will continue to lead the way in creating exceptional books and championing the visualization of information and the socialization of design.

위치와 연락처

주소: 경기도 파주시 회동길 125-15
전화: 031-955-7755
팩스: 031-955-7744
이메일: agbook@ag.co.kr

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