Ahn Graphics

LetterSeed 20

글짜씨 20


Better to Write, More Harmonious

Searching for Letters in the Digital Age

The Korean Society of Typography was founded in 2008 to study letters and typography. LetterSeed is a typography journal published by the Korean Society of Typography since 2009. The 20th journal, LetterSeed 20 published in August 2021, includes a special limited edition bookmark produced to commemorate the 20th anniversary.

  • LetterSeed 20* explores the design of the new era from various angles, from designers who consider symbolic typeface design to protect personal information, to designers who seek a larger narrative beyond time and texture, to analyzing the font market from an economic perspective. Honest records and conversations about typography are expected to create designers’ perspectives, lives, and new letters.

Korean Society of Typography

The Korean Society of Typography (hereafter KST) is an academic organization in South Korea, started in 2009. The KST supports many design activities to diversify the visual communication field. Some of which include the journal LetterSeed, academic conferences, annual exhibitions as well special committees on Korean typography, typographic terminology, digital typography education, international typography biennale, and a diverse range of research.
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