Ahn Graphics

The Story Behind the Change in Palace Signage

궁궐의 안내판이 바뀐 사연


This book meticulously documents the three-year-long project to improve the signage of Korea’s royal palaces. It provides a comprehensive account of the process involved in upgrading the signage for the Four Grand Palaces and Jongmyo Shrine, alongside interviews and oral histories from various stakeholders connected to the project.

Rather than presenting a straightforward, dry report, the book goes beyond formal records to share experiences, including unofficial variables, errors, delays, conflicts, and clashes. By doing so, it offers practical insights for those involved in similar projects, making it a valuable resource.

The book provides a concrete and practical analysis of public design, fostering understanding and empathy for the complexities of such endeavors.


The Arumjigi Foundation is a non-profit organization established in November 2001, dedicated to creatively preserving and passing down Korea’s traditional culture. Its mission is to rediscover the identity of Korean culture and cultivate new cultural heritage for future generations. Through efforts to care for Korea’s traditional cultural heritage and its surrounding environments, Arumjigi seeks to ensure that the values of tradition remain alive in modern life across clothing, food, and shelter. Arumjigi engages in a wide range of activities, such as maintaining the environments of Changdeokgung Palace and Jongmyo Shrine, beautifying the surroundings of old trees, designing signage for the Four Royal Palaces and Jongmyo Shrine, as well as for Haeinsa Temple, Hahoe Village, and Yangdong Village. It also hosts programs like the Arumjigi Academy, world heritage tours, special exhibitions, traditional music performances in hanok (traditional Korean houses), and research into traditional lifestyles. By operating hanok in Anguk-dong, Seoul, and Hamyang, Gyeongsangnam-do, Arumjigi enhances the value of hanok and explores innovative ways to utilize them. Moving forward, the foundation aims to explore the essence of Korean culture that connects the past, present, and future, setting exemplary cases for the modern inheritance of tradition.
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