Ahn Graphics

LetterSeed 14: Branding and Typography

글짜씨 14: 브랜딩과 타이포그래피

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Branding and Typography

The Korea Typography Society was founded in 2008 to study letters and typography. LetterSeed is an international typography journal first published by the society in December 2009.

LetterSeed 14: Branding and Typography examines the evolution of typography according to the changing concept of branding, from traditional brand design such as logo design to branding in the era of Internet media. Typography is considered important in various areas of branding because it can reveal identity more clearly and effectively. Today, as the area of ​​branding expands, the role of typography is also changing. Accordingly, we introduce the work of designers who create digital fonts and dedicated fonts, collaborate with government agencies or companies, and present identity design and typography in various cultural areas such as exhibitions and books. In order to inform designs that attempt to balance communication and expression through typography and achieve formative results, we have selected ‘Books with Beautiful Typography’ for the first time.

Korean Society of Typography

The Korean Society of Typography (hereafter KST) is an academic organization in South Korea, started in 2009. The KST supports many design activities to diversify the visual communication field. Some of which include the journal LetterSeed, academic conferences, annual exhibitions as well special committees on Korean typography, typographic terminology, digital typography education, international typography biennale, and a diverse range of research.
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