Ahn Graphics

Letterseed 2: 281–544

글짜씨 2


Visual culture was sparked by letters and exploded through type

Letterseed, meaning text, letters, seeds, foundation, and essence, is a collection of research findings published by the Korean Society of Typography. This book is the second volume of research compilations and features diverse studies, including Noh Eun-yoo’s paper, Hangeul for Japanese Phonetic Transcription, which defines a Hangeul transcription system for Japanese phonetics using new Hangeul characters, exemplified by Japanese place names and personal names. It also includes a roundtable discussion on Typography Education Abroad, an interview with Helmut Schmid, and other research activities. The content is applicable to Japanese language learning materials, travel guides, and more.

Korean Society of Typography

The Korean Society of Typography (hereafter KST) is an academic organization in South Korea, started in 2009. The KST supports many design activities to diversify the visual communication field. Some of which include the journal LetterSeed, academic conferences, annual exhibitions as well special committees on Korean typography, typographic terminology, digital typography education, international typography biennale, and a diverse range of research.
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