Ahn Graphics

LetterSeed 8

글짜씨 8

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LetterSeed 8: Reflections on Typojanchi 2013

Returning from the heightened excitement of Typojanchi 2013, this issue of LetterSeed 8 serves as a calm and reflective documentation of the event, capturing the essence of the festival after its conclusion. This marks the eighth typography journal published by the Korean Typography Society, continuing its role in fostering typographic research and discourse.

As society undergoes rapid social and technological transformations, design evolves alongside it, shaping new cultural landscapes. Typography, closely linked to the expansion of media and information, has also grown in scope, leading to an increasing body of research in the field. Published by the Korean Typography Society since December 2009, LetterSeed takes a new step forward with this eighth issue, now available in both Korean and English. This bilingual approach aims to promote the Korean language and Hangul globally while fostering cross-cultural exchange and research. Each issue is now structured around a central theme, with diverse content reflecting various typographic perspectives.

LetterSeed 8 takes its first step in a new direction by looking back at Typojanchi 2013. As indicated by its subtitle, “Text Beyond Supertext,” this issue moves beyond the heightened excitement of the biennale, offering a quiet and reflective documentation of the event’s conclusion and its lingering impact.

In addition to this retrospective, the issue introduces Pablo Neruda’s “Ode to Typography,” exploring the poetic essence of type, examines the evolution of Hangul punctuation marks, and presents a research paper on responsive typography for digital screens. Furthermore, it includes reviews of recent typography-related books and provides an analysis of the exhibition “Two Currents of Typography,” held at Musashino Art University in Japan. Through these discussions, Guljja씨 8 extends the conversation beyond the biennale, delving deeper into typography’s evolving role in literature, digital media, and cultural discourse.

Korean Society of Typography

The Korean Society of Typography (hereafter KST) is an academic organization in South Korea, started in 2009. The KST supports many design activities to diversify the visual communication field. Some of which include the journal LetterSeed, academic conferences, annual exhibitions as well special committees on Korean typography, typographic terminology, digital typography education, international typography biennale, and a diverse range of research.
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