Ahn Graphics

Elements of Design: Rowena Reed Kostellow and the Structure of Visual Relationships


A hands-on book design students and designers alike will welcome. Elements of Design is a tribute to an exceptional teacher and a study of the abstract visual relationships that were her lifelong pursuit. Rowena Reed Kiostellow taught industrial design at Pratt Institute for more than fifty years and the designers she trained-and the designers they’re training today-have changed the face of American design. This succinct, instructive, invaluable book reconstructs the series of exercises that led Kostellow’s students from the manipulation of simple forms to the creation of complex solutions to difficult design problems. It includes her exercises and commentary along with selected student solutions, and concludes with examples of work from former students who became leaders in the field, including such well-known figures as Tucker Viemeisater, Ralph Applebaum, Ted Muehling, and many others.

Gail Greet Hannah

Gail Greet Hannah is a writer specializing in design and marketing. She was a friend of Rowena Reed Kostellow and worked with her to publish her teaching method. She lives in Cold Spring Harbor.

Kim Sun-hee

She graduated from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design and received his MFA from Pratt Institute Graduate School of Industrial Design. Since 1995, she has been a keynote professor at Samsung Art and Design Institute (SADI), and since 1999, she has been a research professor at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute’s Department of Industrial Design in New York City. Currently, she teaches three-dimensional sculpture at Parsons School of Design’s foundation program and is the director of the Rowena Reed Costello (RRK) Foundation Workshop, where she conducts workshops and conducts research. In Korea, she has been conducting workshops in basic sculpture since 2007 with the support of the RRK Foundation and the Pratt Institute. In the spring semester of 2011, she was invited as a visiting professor at Yonsei University’s Department of Living Design. Since then, she has been disseminating the principles of systematic basic sculpture education for creative design through faculty workshops in the design field.
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