Ahn Graphics

Basic Formative Producing

기초 조형 Producing


Exploring and experimenting concepts & understanding the comprehensive system of interactions

The book is based on examples of education and works in various fields of formative art, including visual design, media design, product design, interaction design, furniture design, and fashion design. After starting with the exploration of subjects and materials, the book covers specific methods of formative experiments. By presenting the application cases of several basic formative arts and the methodology of production processes, the book allows readers to understand how existing materials and formative production approaches are employed in each field. It also provides examples of various tasks in which creative experiments are possible. The book was organized in an integrated way, with knowledge about formative production and methods of formative experiments so that creative expressions can be realized through this book.

Choi Min-young

Graduated from the department of industrial design at KAIST, earned a master’s degree in industrial design from the same institution, and completed the doctoral coursework there. With practical experience in product design and interaction design, served as a senior designer at Daewoo Motors and as the head of the research institute at Decos Interactive. Currently, a professor specializing in Interaction Product Design in the Department of Industrial Design at Sungshin Women’s University.

Kim Jee-hyun

She studied graphic design at Seoul National University’s Department of Applied Arts and Graduate School of Design, and received his master’s degree in typography from Eastern Michigan University, USA. She has been teaching design at Hansung University since 1991. She was a research professor at Syracuse University in the United States and the third president of the Korean Typography Society. She is currently serving as the chairman of the Future Planning Committee and editorial board member of the Korean Society of Fundamental Sculpture, and as the Korean representative of the Asia Network Beyond Design. She is the author of Grid, Type and Typography, Hangeul Designer: Kim Jin-pyung, and Typographic Communication, and the translator of Shaping Text and Magazine + Webzine Design.


홍익대학교 미술대학 시각디자인과 졸업 후 동 대학원에서 의상 디자인으로 석사 학위(M.F.A)를 수여받았다. 이후 영국 런던패션대학(London College of Fashion)에서 석사학위(M.F.A)를 마치고, 국민대학교에서 박사 학위(Ph.D)를 취득했다. 현재 평택대학교 패션디자인및브랜딩학과 학과장으로 재직 중이며, 한국섬유·패션산학협회 회장, 서울미술협회 부이사장 등 여러 학회 및 협회에서 임원으로 활동한다. 또한 싱가포르, 러시아 등 국제패션대회 심사위원으로 초청받았으며, 작품 활동으로 〈Media Art Moving Drawing〉 작업이 ‘제8회 서울모던아트쇼 대상’ 수상, ‘한국기초조형학회 국제초대전’에서 최우수작품상을 수상했다.

Lee Young-choon

He graduated from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts, Department of Wooden Furniture, and majored in Industrial Design at Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. He has worked as a senior designer at Spoon Design, an adjunct professor at the Department of Industrial Design at Rochester Institute of Technology, a commissioned researcher at the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP), and is currently a professor at the Department of Living Furniture Design at Seoil University.

Jeon Nina

She graduated from the Department of Fiber Arts at Ewha Womans University and studied Motion Pictures at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, USA. She earned a master’s degree in Computer Art from the Academy of Art University (AAU) in San Francisco and completed a doctoral coursework in Media Design at the Cross Media Creative Lab in the Department of Digital Media at Ewha Womans University. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and Design.

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