Ahn Graphics

The 7 Secrets of UX design

UX 디자인 7가지 비밀


Obvious secrets of UX design: Well known, but not properly utilized

UX design requires a holistic approach. For those who dream of becoming successful UX designers, Seven Secrets of UX Design deals with principles and methods that must be observed or that are not utilized properly. The book allows readers to check the process of designing UX mobile apps based on major UX design principles and methodologies as well as the results at a glance, so even beginners can understand them easily. In other words, it introduces the secrets of successful UX designs that are directly applicable to work practices.


상명대학교 감성공학과 교수. 1991년 카이스트 산업공학과 석사과정에서 UI 디자인을 공부하기 시작한 우리나라 1세대 UI 디자이너. 같은 대학원에서 UI 디자인으로 박사학위 취득 후 대우일렉트로닉스 디자인연구소에서 디자이너들과 협력하여 제품 UI 디자인 업무를 수행하였고, 과학기술부에서 주관한 감성공학기반기술개발사업 연구책임자를 맡아 차세대 감성제품 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 영국 요크대학교 심리학과 연구원을 거쳐 한국예술종합학교 미술원 디자인과 교수로 6년간 재직하였으며, 문화체육관광부가 주관하는 문화기술 R&D 과제 기획에 참여하였고 함평나비축제 문화프로그램 기획 및 실경 공연 제작 등 디자인의 영역을 문화 콘텐츠 분야로 확장하는 데 앞장섰다. 2010년부터 SK플래닛에서 운영하는 T아카데미에서 ‘모바일 UX/UI 기획 및 설계’를 강의하였고, 2012년에는 방송통신위원회에서 주최하고 한국인터넷전문가협회에서 주관한 ‘UX 디자인 스쿨’에서 UX 기획 과정을 강의하는 등 UX 기획 및 설계 방법론을 학생들과 현업 실무자들에게 교육하고 있다. ppirong@paran.com

Kim Huhn

Professor of Mechanical Systems Design at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. After joining LG Electronics in 2003, he worked in various mobile UX/UI development roles, serving as Group Head of Strategy and Planning at LG Electronics UI Development Center and Head of UX at SK Telecom UI Planning Team. In 2008, he led the UI development of SK Telecom’s smartphone OS with UI specialists such as Vinyl, DNA, and PXD, and since 2009, he has been working on various UX/UI projects with Hyundai Motor Company, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, SK Planet, and universities. Based on this experience, he has been teaching mobile UX/UI planning and design and design professional courses at T Academy since 2010, focusing on fostering UX/UI professionals. After earning a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Sungkyunkwan University, he earned a doctorate in engineering (majoring in cognitive and human engineering) from KAIST and is currently a board member of the UXPA Association. He has published more than 40 domestic and international research papers and applied for and registered more than 50 UI patents. huhnkim@seoultech.ac.kr / huhnkim@snut.ac.kr
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