Ahn Graphics

Arcade Game Typography: The Art of Pixel Type


The definitive survey of ’70s, ’80s, and early ’90s arcade video game pixel typography

Arcade Game Typography presents readers with a fascinating new world of typography: the pixel typeface. Video game designers of the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s faced color and resolution limitations that stimulated incredible creativity. With each letter having to exist in a small pixel grid, artists began to use clever techniques to create elegant character sets within a tiny canvas. This book presents typefaces on a dynamic and decorative grid, taking reference from high-end type specimens while adding a suitably playful twist. Arcade Game Typography recreates that visual aesthetic, fizzing with life and color.

Featuring pixel typefaces carefully selected from the first decades of arcade video games, Arcade Game Typography presents a completist survey of a previously undocumented outsider typography movement, accompanied by insightful commentary from author Toshi Omagari, a Monotype typeface designer himself. Gathering an eclectic range of typography, from hit games such as Super Sprint, Marble Madness, and Space Harrier to countless lesser-known gems, Arcade Game Typography is a vivid nostalgia trip for gamers, designers, and illustrators alike.


A meticulously catalogued and vividly illustrated survey of typeface design during the golden age of arcade games… A bright, colorful, and nostalgic turn through major players and hidden gems of arcade game design… Arcade Game Typography is a loving tribute to the part played by design in many a childhood and still many a nerdy adulthood.


Omagari Toshi

Toshi Omagari is a font designer at Monotype in the UK. He studied typography and font design at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, graduating in 2008. Arcade Game Typography is his first book.

Muroga Kiyonori

He is the former editor-in-chief of Japan’s renowned design magazine Idea. Currently, he works as an editor, writer, and curator specializing in graphic design and typography.

Park Hee-won

연세대학교 생활디자인학과와 언론홍보영상학부에서 공부하고 제품 개발 MD로 근무했다. 이야기를 만지며 살고 싶어 번역 세계에 뛰어들었다. 글밥아카데미 출판번역 과정을 수료하고 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로 『바이닐』 『에이스』 『무법의 바다』 『여자만의 책장』이 있다.
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