Ahn Graphics

Lissabon im Land am Rand

첫, 리스본


‘Visual Journey’ Presented by Angraphics

The Golden Hills, the Azure Sea, and the Dazzling White Light

The Colors of Emotion Embraced by Lisbon

A hill where ‘gold’ glimmers every day, the soul-piercing melodies of fado, and the resilient spirit that overcomes crises with grace—embracing fate and rebuilding life once more. Meet the city of Lisbon, the heart of Portugal, and its people, the Lisboetas, through the eyes of illustrator Alexandra Klobouk.

Alexandra Klobouk

Alexandra Klobouk is an artist, author and culture & content illustrator working between Berlin and the rest of the world. In her work she combines visual storytelling, journalism, intercultural communication, travel sketching, music, performance and various other disciplines. Her work is vivid, fun and full of life, while it often tells stories of complex, difficult or unpleasant topics like Climate Change and Pollution, Gentrification, Fear of Strangers, the Holocaust or ignorance about Islam or the Turkish culture. She does it with a special power of observation and a in a way that makes it easy to engage, to lose the fear of contact, to want to know more. Her books have been awarded most beautiful German books several times and were published by various publishers as Suhrkamp, Insel Verlag, C.H. Beck, Verlag Antje Kunstmann, Onkel&Onkel and Viel&Mehr. She weekly illustrates the column GEHEN by Christian Seiler for DER KURIER and works for Magazines such as Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, ZEITMagazin, Merian, Das Magazin of Zurich Tagesanzeiger, and others. She has been collaborating with Goethe-Institut and several other cultural and political innitiatives.

Kim Jin-a

She studied education at Sookmyung Women’s University and holds a master’s degree in theater and education from the Freie Universität Berlin. She has been a lecturer at the Universität Duisburg-Essen and is currently working as a professional translator. Her translations include Schneewittchen muss Sterben, Mordsfreunde, Erebos, and Effekten af Susan.

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