Ahn Graphics

Basic Formative Thinking

기초조형 Thinking


Not Just Basic: Basic Form

Nearly a decade has passed since the dawn of the 21st century, a time once greeted with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. At this juncture, it is worth re-examining the meaning of “basic.”

What, indeed, is “basic”? It can be defined as the base and the root—the most essential elements, methods, and ways of thinking. While interpretations of Basic Form may vary, this study approaches it as “fundamental and foundational exercises in form.” When reflecting on the process of creating form, it begins with the creator’s thoughts. If a creator holds a clear philosophy about form, the value of their work becomes significantly enhanced. Thus, the premise of formative thought takes precedence over skill or technique.
The term Basic Form does not refer to concepts limited to the introductory stages of the formative process. Instead, the “fundamental way of thinking” is a crucial element that everyone engaged in form and design must ponder and develop. Design should not stop at superficial effects but should delve deeper, embedding meaningful philosophy.
What is needed in design is the cultivation of a “profound philosophy” and a “reflective mindset.” This foundational approach is what can be described as the basic ideology that designers must foster and build upon.


서울대학교 산업미술학과에서 공업디자인을, 동 대학원에서 산업디자인을 전공했다. 미국 로드아일랜드디자인스쿨(Rhode Island School of Design, RISD)에서 산업디자인 석사를 취득했으며 (주)대우전자에서 근무했다. 2005년부터 한성대학교 예술대학에서 제품디자인을 가르쳤고, 현재는 한성대학교 IT공과대학 스마트경영공학부에서 공학도들과 창의적 설계 사상을 연구하고 있다.

Kim Mi-ja

She graduated from Hongik University with a BFA in Visual Design and majored in Packaging Design at Dongguk Graduate School of Industrial Art. She majored in illustration at California State University, Long Beach, USA. He is currently a professor at Yeongsan University, Department of Design.

Shin Hee-kyoung

Specialized in Visual Design and Design Theory at Seoul National University and its graduate school. As a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship, earned a master’s degree from Musashino Art University and a Ph.D. in Art from the Department of Design at Nihon University. After serving as a researcher at Musashino Art University, currently works as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Semyung University while actively pursuing art, including two solo exhibitions. Co-authored several books, including Imperial Art Schools and Korean Students in Japan, Design Basics for High School National Curriculum, Basic Form Thinking, and 2014 Design White Paper, which was selected as a Sejong Book by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. Co-authored the 2019 publication Is Philosophy Necessary in Design? (デザインに哲学は必要か, Musashino Art University Press) in Japan and translated Design Studies, among more than ten co-authored and translated works.

Im Nam-sook

Graduated from the Department of Ceramics at Ewha Womans University. She majored in Graphic Design at Braunschweig University of Art (Braunschweig Kunsthochschule) in Germany and earned a Ph.D. in Design Philosophy from the same institution. Currently, she is a professor in the Department of Art Education at Daegu National University of Education.

Lee sang-hoon

He graduated with honors from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts. He received his master’s degree in contextual design from Design Academy Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and his doctorate in educational psychology from Korea University. He was selected as a Korean Next Generation Design Leader by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and is currently a professor at the Department of Design Convergence, College of Architecture, Hongik University.


홍익대학교 미술대학을 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 석사를 취득했다. 부퍼탈대학교(Bergische Universität Wuppertal) 대학원에서 조형예술학박사를 취득했다. 전 홍익대학교 조형대학 교수, 한독공학대학원대학교 예술공학연구센터장을 역임했다. 현재 (사)한국기초조형학회 수석부회장이자 조형매체공학연구소 소장을 맡고 있다.
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