Specialized in Visual Design and Design Theory at Seoul National University and its graduate school. As a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship, earned a master’s degree from Musashino Art University and a Ph.D. in Art from the Department of Design at Nihon University. After serving as a researcher at Musashino Art University, currently works as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Semyung University while actively pursuing art, including two solo exhibitions. Co-authored several books, including Imperial Art Schools and Korean Students in Japan, Design Basics for High School National Curriculum, Basic Form Thinking, and 2014 Design White Paper, which was selected as a Sejong Book by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. Co-authored the 2019 publication Is Philosophy Necessary in Design? (デザインに哲学は必要か, Musashino Art University Press) in Japan and translated Design Studies, among more than ten co-authored and translated works.
Shin Hee-kyoung
다른 사람들
Lee Yong-shin studied Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University, Industrial Design at Seoul National University, and Communication Design at Pratt Institute Graduate School. He has worked as a designer at magazines Glamour and Advertising Age , and now works as an art director at CMYK+WHITE, a design firm in New York City.
홍익대학교에서 시각 디자인을 전공하고 몇몇 대학교에서 강의하던 중 국립중앙박물관과 인연이 닿아 이십여 년 넘게 근무하고 있다. ‘박물관’ ‘디자인’ ‘문화’의 현장에서 활동하면서 디자인이 외적인 꾸밈새에만 함몰되고 있는 현상에 회의가 일었다. 다시 디자인을 생각하며 ‘어떻게 디자인할 것인가’의 문제가 아니라 ‘왜, 누구를 위해 디자인 하는가’의 문제와 맞닥뜨렸다. 그리고 디자인은 ‘꾸밈의 기술’이 아니라 ‘일상의 양식’이어야 함을 깨달았다. 기획/출간한 책으로 『오래된 디자인』 『한국전통문양집』 등이 있으며, 공동 집필한 책으로는 『디자인은 독인가, 약인가?』 『조형』 『디자인은 죽었다』 등이 있다. -
Yoon Young-jun
Yoon Young-jun graduated from Seoul National University, Department of Life Sciences, and majored in Communication Design at SADI. She has been working mainly on editorial design and motion graphics. She is currently working as an editorial designer at Insight, a book publishing company. -
나가오카 겐메이
디자인 활동가, 《d design travel》 발행인. 1965년 홋카이도 모로란시에서 태어나고 아이치현 아구이초에서 자랐다. 일본디자인센터 하라디자인연구소 설립에 참가하고 1997년 드로잉앤드매뉴얼을, 2000년 D&DEPARTMENT PROJECT를 설립했다. 이후 60VISION을 창안해 가리모쿠60 등 복각을 넘어선 브랜딩 스타일을 제안했다. 롱 라이프 디자인을 활동 주제로 삼고 출판에서 상품 개발에 이르기까지 실시한다. 또한 ‘정열대륙’ ‘닛케이 스페셜 캄브리아 궁전’ ‘가이아의 여명’ 등 다수의 텔레비전 방송에도 출연했다. 2013년 마이니치디자인상을 받았다. 2020년 고향인 아구이초에 크라우드 펀딩으로 ‘d news aichi agui’를 개업해 매장에 직접 선다. 국내에 소개된 책으로는 『디자이너 생각 위를 걷다』 『디자이너 함께하며 걷다』 『디자인하지 않는 디자이너』 『디앤디파트먼트에서 배운다, 사람들이 모여드는 전하는 가게 만드는 법』 등이 있다. -
냇 매컬리
어도비 타입앤폰트 그룹에서 텍스트 레이아웃 엔지니어링팀을 이끌며 어도비 포토샵, 일러스트레이터, 애프터 이펙트 등 여러 제품에 내장된 텍스트 엔진을 담당한다. 특히 CJK 레이아웃 기능을 전문적으로 다룬다. JLReq 태스크 포스의 한 파트인 W3C 국제화 그룹과 유니코드® CJK & 유니한 그룹에서 각각 어도비를 대표한다. -
Lee Kyu-won
She majored in Japanese at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. She has worked as an editor for many years, organizing books in various fields including science, humanities, and history. She is currently working as a professional translator. He has translated Miyuki Miyabe’s Reason , Seicho Matsumoto’s Masterpiece Short Story Collection , Alaska, A Story Like the Wind , Tadao Ando’s I, Architect , and more than 80 other books. -
Kim Sung-do
Born in 1963, he graduated from the Department of French Language and Literature at Korea University. He received his master’s and doctoral degrees in linguistics and semiotics from the University of Paris X in France. He was selected for the LG Yonam Foundation’s overseas research program and served as a visiting professor at the Department of Art History and the Institute of Linguistics at Oxford University in the UK, a visiting professor at Harvard University in the US as a … -
Seung H-Sang
Seung H-Sang graduated from Seoul National University and studied at Technische Universitaet in Wien. Worked for Kim Swoo-Geun from 1974 to 1989 and established his office “IROJE architects & planners” in 1989. He was a core member of “4.3 Group” which strongly influenced Korean architectural society, and participated in founding “Seoul School of Architecture” for a new educational system. His works are based on his own critical concerns on Western culture of the 20th century whose subject … -
Ryu Biho
Since his first solo exhibition Steel Sun in 2000, she has been working with contemporary artists, exhibition curators, and media sociologists to co-organize and research new artistic activities in a media-connected society, such as Art Practice through Hacking (2001) and Parasite-Tactical Media Networks (2004-2006). While organizing and executing these activities, he has also executed various projects such as Dramatic Practice (2010), Co-operative Escape (2010), Twinfix (2011), In My Sky at … -
Jeong Yeon-suk
Graduated from the Department of English Literature at Sogang University and the Department of Political Science at the University of Winnipeg. She contributed to the Korean edition of Lonely Planet and has worked for several years on Korean-to-English and English-to-Korean translations for travel magazines, airline in-flight publications, and design journals. -
연세대학교 건축공학과를 졸업하고 하버드대학교 GSD(Graduate School of Design)에서 건축설계 석사 학위를 받았다. KVA(Kennedy & Violich Architecture), OMA(Office for Metropolitan Architecture), 사프디아키텍츠(Safdie Architects) 등 다양한 사무소에서 인턴과 실무 경험을 했다. 현재는 서울과학기술대학교 교수로 재직하며 OA-Lab 건축연구소를 설립해 활동한다. OA-Lab을 통해 실험적인 건축을 추구하고 연구와 실무를 오가며 작은 제품에서부터 건축물에 이르기까지 다양한 범위의 작업을 하고 있다. 관찰과 실험에 기반한 디자인이 우리의 일상과 사회 속에서 삶의 경험을 담고 긍정적으로 작동해 구현되는 것을 목표로 한다. 하버드대학교에서 졸업논문상 파이널리스트 및 추천장을 받으며 졸업했고, 이후에 AIA보스턴건축가협회의 주택공모전 대상, AIA국제지역건축가협회 대상 등을 수상했다. -
Kim Sun-hee
She graduated from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts, Department of Industrial Design and received his MFA from Pratt Institute Graduate School of Industrial Design. Since 1995, she has been a keynote professor at Samsung Art and Design Institute (SADI), and since 1999, she has been a research professor at Parsons School of Design and Pratt Institute’s Department of Industrial Design in New York City. Currently, she teaches three-dimensional sculpture at Parsons School of …