Ahn Graphics


Kim Kai-chun


He is an architect and designer, a professor at Kookmin University’s College of Architecture, and has specialized in architecture and Seon (Zen) philosophy. He has been working on architectural planning and design, painting and writing with ideas that cross over from Korean tradition and Seon thought to contemporary aesthetics. He has published books on Eastern architectural aesthetics such as “Architecture of Ming Ming” and “Lao Tzu and the Idea of Spatial Formation” and papers on the aesthetics of contemporary architecture. His representative buildings include Iham Campus, Gyeongju Dongguk University Seon Center, One Room House, Museum Myeongwon at the Kookmin University, and Gunmyungwon. He has been honored with the Red Dot Design Award, the Korean Institute of Architects Award, the Korea Design Award, and the Outstanding Book of the Year Award by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Kim Kai-chun의 책

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