Ahn Graphics

지금 시작하는 드로잉 시리즈 세트: 당당하게 도전하는 희망 그리기 프로젝트


2011년 ‘당당하게 도전하는 희망 그리기 프로젝트’로 기획한 오은정 작가의 ‘지금 시작하는 시리즈’. 『지금 시작하는 드로잉』 『지금 시작하는 여행 스케치』 『지금 시작하는 동물 드로잉』 마지막으로 『지금 시작하는 자화상』까지, 모든 시리즈를 하나로 묶었다. 그림을 그리고 싶어 하는 모든 이를 위한 그리기의 실용적 기법을 담은 실전적 드로잉 실기서다. 그리기에 앞서 막막한 독자에게 좋은 단서가 되길 바란다.


Oh Eun-jung

Oh Eun-jung is A fine art artist who loves forests, traveling, and contemplation. She uses the pen name ‘On-Jung’ to reflect her alert gaze and warm heart.For him, painting is a break from writing, and writing is a break from painting. She realized the value of drawing for pleasure on a long trip during her art school days and founded the online club ‘Art and People’, where she has been sharing her life and drawing philosophy with people who love drawing as ‘master’ and ‘student’ for over 15 years. He has been thinking of ways to give back to the world with the talent he has been given, and the series he is starting now is one of those projects. As she has always done, she will continue to live as an optimistic artist who looks at the world and captures it in her artwork. His books include Drawing Now, Travel Sketching Now, Animal Drawing Now, For Nothing, The Mockingbird, The Drawing Workbook to Fill Your Day, THE CATS and Don’t Cry, Animals!

관련 시리즈

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