Ahn Graphics

Start Drawing Now

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A book recommended by Robert and Michèle Root-Bernstein, the authors of Sparks of Genius

The appeal of this book lies in the author’s relatable description of drawing skills. She considers the possible fear people may have who want to start drawing again at this time. For those who start drawing again, or are just drawing for the first time, the author asks them to channel their desire into “drawing with courage.” However, rather than providing groundless optimism or hope, she offers helpful tips step by step, from practical drawing techniques to how to develop the character of someone who draws, and how to apply this creative imagination to their craft. She also appropriately guides readers, sometimes kindly and sometimes strictly, from a master’s point of view, into a world of various drawings, which is never easy but enjoyable and meaningful.


The arts are one of the keys to building creativity. Start Drawing Now is a wonderful way to reintroduce oneself to one of the most important arts: drawing. Pick up this book; follow its step-by-step guidelines, and stimulate your imagination!

Bob and Michele Root-Bernstein

Oh Eun-jung

Oh Eun-jung is A fine art artist who loves forests, traveling, and contemplation. She uses the pen name “On-Jung” to reflect her alert gaze and warm heart.For him, painting is a break from writing, and writing is a break from painting. She realized the value of drawing for pleasure on a long trip during her art school days and founded the online club ‘Art and People’, where she has been sharing her life and drawing philosophy with people who love drawing as ‘master’ and ‘student’ for over 15 years. He has been thinking of ways to give back to the world with the talent he has been given, and the series he is starting now is one of those projects. As she has always done, she will continue to live as an optimistic artist who looks at the world and captures it in her artwork. His books include Drawing Now, Travel Sketching Now, Animal Drawing Now, For Nothing, The Mockingbird, The Drawing Workbook to Fill Your Day, THE CATS and Don’t Cry, Animals!

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