Kim Hyun: Changing Without Changing, Remaining Constant Amidst Change
Kim Hyun has dedicated his career to identity design with a remarkable sense of balance. He seamlessly blends corporate realities with design ideals, harmonizes Korean sensibilities with Western design principles, and anticipates societal shifts while distinguishing between what must change and what must remain constant. His works reflect an acute awareness of contemporary trends and provide a comprehensive view of the flow and history of design. Yet, amidst all this evolution, his creations consistently carry the restrained and timeless essence of Korean sentiment.
Kim Hyun’s Design Park studio has, over the past two decades, shaped some of Korea’s most recognizable corporate and public identities. These include the mascot Hodori for the Seoul Olympics, the emblem for the Seoul Asian Games, and the identities for Kyobo Life, KOTRA, Arirang International Broadcasting, Woorim Construction, KIST, LG Group, Kumho Group, KB Kookmin Bank, BC Card, Fursys, Binggrae, and the city of Seoul, among others. His identity designs are so integrated into daily life in Korea that they are almost impossible to avoid.