Ahn Graphics

The Basics of Design Research : 10 Concept Words + 10 Texts

디자인 연구의 기초: 개념어 10+텍스트 10


You Must Understand Design Concept Words in Order to Understand Design

You Must Read Design Texts in Order to Read Design

Design Research : Building a Foundation for Korean Design

Design critic Choi Bum has analyzed Korean design with a sharp eye for thirty years. However, each time he encountered various discourses on design, he found that Korean design lacked a logical and conceptual foundation. In this book, he explains ten design concept words, which could provide a foundation for design research. In addition, the author deconstructs ten books that show how those words manifest themselves in Korean design texts. In short, this is a guide to building a solid foundation for Korean design research and developing a discerning eye.

Choi Bum

Design critic. Graduated from the Department of Industrial Design and the Department of Aesthetics at Hongik University. Served as the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Design and as the editor of the design criticism journal Design Critique. Focused on critically analyzing Korean society and culture through the lens of design. Authored several books, including: A View on Korean Design, Where is Korean Design Heading?, Korean Design: Beyond the Myth, If I Had Read That Book in Those Days, Civilization and Barbarism of Korean Design, Thoughts on Craftworks: Korean Contemporary Crafts, History of Western Design, Korean Design and Cultural Transition, A New Perspective on Korean Design and Design and Liberal Arts Imagination. Also translated works such as Design and Utopia and 20th Century Design and Culture.
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