Design critic. Graduated from the Department of Industrial Design and the Department of Aesthetics at Hongik University. Served as the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine Design and as the editor of the design criticism journal Design Critique. Focused on critically analyzing Korean society and culture through the lens of design. Authored several books, including: A View on Korean Design, Where is Korean Design Heading?, Korean Design: Beyond the Myth, If I Had Read That Book in Those Days, Civilization and Barbarism of Korean Design, Thoughts on Craftworks: Korean Contemporary Crafts, History of Western Design, Korean Design and Cultural Transition, A New Perspective on Korean Design and Design and Liberal Arts Imagination. Also translated works such as Design and Utopia and 20th Century Design and Culture.
Choi Bum
최 범
다른 사람들
He studied visual design at Hongik University and Dong-A Graduate School, and received his master’s degree in Design Strategy and Innovation from Brunel University, UK. He worked at the UI Lab of Samsung Electronics Design Management Center and is currently in charge of developing future scenarios based on the convergence of industries and technologies and designing service systems to realize them.
Park Hee-won
연세대학교 생활디자인학과와 언론홍보영상학부에서 공부하고 제품 개발 MD로 근무했다. 이야기를 만지며 살고 싶어 번역 세계에 뛰어들었다. 글밥아카데미 출판번역 과정을 수료하고 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로 『바이닐』 『에이스』 『무법의 바다』 『여자만의 책장』이 있다. -
Lee Kyu-chul
Lee Kyu-chul (1948-1994, Incheon) graduated from Hongik University in 1974, majoring in sculpture. In 1975, he left for Saudi Arabia, where he worked as an administrator and videographer for the Vinnell Company in the United States. In 1983, he entered graduate school at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, but returned home after three semesters. He had his first solo exhibition, Space and Visual Perception (Kwanhoon Museum of Art, 1988), which he spent time researching alone, and … -
Lee Jee-hee
Graduated from the Department of Painting at Seoul National University’s College of Fine Arts and completed a master’s degree at the same institution. Earned a Master of Fine Arts in Computer Art from New York University (NYU) and a Ph.D. in Media Art from Soongsil University. Currently serves as a professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Hanyang Women’s University. -
Oh Byung-keun
His teaching and research focuses on visualization for information and knowledge transfer. He is also interested in design-centered and interdisciplinary approaches for desirable interactions between humans and information, humans and media, and humans and space. He received his B.A. and Ph.D. in design from Seoul National University and his M.F.A. from New York University Graduate Center, and is currently a professor of visual design at Yonsei University, College of Design and Art. His books … -
Suwa is a renowned live art illustrator based in Seoul. She became captivated by fashion’s ability to reflect diverse individuality and identity during her trips to Fashion Weeks around the world, leading her to start drawing people who caught her eye on the streets. Suwa studied fashion design at Parsons School of Design in New York and worked as a designer for several fashion brands including Michael Kors and Tommy Hilfiger. She later transitioned to illustration, collaborating on editorial … -
Lee Jung-kuk
Lee Jung-kuk graduated from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Education, and attended the Emerson College Waldorf Teacher Training Program and the Visual Arts Program in the UK. -
Choi Chul-yong
Choi Chul-Yong studied Textile Art and Fashion Design at Hongik University and its graduate school and later explored the intersection of design and art at the Domus Academy in Milan. After working as a fashion designer and art director for European fashion brands such as Meltin’pot (Italy), Wrangler Blue Bell (Belgium), and Marteli (Italy), he returned to Korea in 2009 and launched his own brand, Cy Choi. Cy Choi has held 18 presentations in Paris, participated in Seoul Fashion Week 10 times, … -
한양대학교 ERICA 융합디자인학부와 동 대학교 일반대학원 디자인학부 교수. UX·UI 디자인, 웹 퍼블리싱, 지역사회 기역 프로젝트, 서비스 디자인, 디자인 방법론 등을 강의하며 여러 기관 및 기업과 관련 프로젝트를 수행하고 있으며 외국인, 이주민, 노약자, 장애인, 유학생 등 다양한 집단을 대상으로 한 연구를 진행하고 있다. -
Kang Ye-jin
She studied journalism at Yonsei University and worked in marketing and public relations in the corporate world. While pursuing her master’s program in arts management at Carnegie Mellon University, she worked for the public art team at Pittsburgh City Hall and later worked as a design strategy manager in the corporate world. She is a graduate of the Gulbab Academy and currently works as a translator for BarTranslation. -
연세대학교 건축공학과에서 공부하고 건설사에서 일했다. 글밥아카데미 영어출판과정을 수료한 뒤 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동 중이다. 옮긴 책으로 『일본식 소형 주택』이 있다. -
Suzy Lee
Suzy Lee studied painting in Korea and book arts in the UK and has published picture books internationally. Her work has garnered several prestigious awards, including the “2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award” “the Bologna Ragazzi Award”, “the Inchon Memorial Award” “The Korean Publishing Culture Award” and “The New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award”. Among her most celebrated works are the picture books Summer , River , Wave , Shadow , The Black Bird , Alice in Wonderland , and …