Ahn Graphics

Design, When Everybody Designs: An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation


The role of design, both expert and nonexpert, in the ongoing wave of social innovation toward sustainability.

In a changing world everyone designs: each individual person and each collective subject, from enterprises to institutions, from communities to cities and regions, must define and enhance a life project. Sometimes these projects generate unprecedented solutions; sometimes they converge on common goals and realize larger transformations. As Ezio Manzini describes in this book, we are witnessing a wave of social innovations as these changes unfold—an expansive open co-design process in which new solutions are suggested and new meanings are created.

Manzini distinguishes between diffuse design (performed by everybody) and expert design (performed by those who have been trained as designers) and describes how they interact. He maps what design experts can do to trigger and support meaningful social changes, focusing on emerging forms of collaboration. These range from community-supported agriculture in China to digital platforms for medical care in Canada; from interactive storytelling in India to collaborative housing in Milan. These cases illustrate how expert designers can support these collaborations—making their existence more probable, their practice easier, their diffusion and their convergence in larger projects more effective. Manzini draws the first comprehensive picture of design for social innovation: the most dynamic field of action for both expert and nonexpert designers in the coming decades.

Ezio Manzini

Ezio Manzini is a world-renowned scholar in the field of design for sustainability. In 2009, he founded the DESIS Network, a network of design universities dedicated to social innovation design, to connect design universities around the world and revitalize the discourse on social innovation design. As a longtime professor of design at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, he conducted research on design for sustainability and expanded the scope of design education by launching new design majors such as strategic design and service design. At Politecnico di Milano, he led the Design Innovation for Sustainability (DIS) laboratory, coordinated the PhD program in design, and coordinated the Centro Design dei Servizi (DES). He has received numerous awards for his contributions to the field of design, including the Italian Golden Compasso d’Oro design award and the Sir Misha Black Medal. He is currently a professor emeritus at the Politecnico di Milano and a visiting professor at the University of the Arts London, as well as a visiting professor at Tongji University and Jiangnan University in China.

Jo Eun-ji

Studied Interaction Design at Delft University of Technology (Technische Universiteit Delft) in the Netherlands and Service Design and Design for Social Innovation at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. She earned her Ph.D. under the supervision of Ezio Manzini at Politecnico di Milano. Since 2014, she has been working as an assistant professor in the Department of Design at Hunan University in China.
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