Ahn Graphics


Jeong Jae-wan


Jeong Jae-wan graduated from Hongik University with a degree in Visual Communication Design and began his career as a book designer at Jung Byung-kyu Publishing Design and Minumsa Publishing Group. Inspired by a strong interest in street letters, he has held four solo exhibitions titled Letterscape since 2008. In 2018, he presented Jeong Jae-wan: Book Design and also Letterscape (Bukseong-ro) in 2019 as an exhibition focused on regional visual culture. He has co-authored several books, including 10 Great Book Designers of the World, Complete Works Design, Apartment Letters, and Designed Matter. Books designed by Jeong, such as Natural History of Industry and Ways of Working, respectively won the Grand Prize at the 1st Hansol Insper Awards and was named one of the “Most Beautiful Books in Korea” in 2022. He is currently a professor in the Visual Communication Design Department at Yeungnam University, a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) and the Design History Society of Korea, an editorial board member of The Seoul Review of Books, and the lead book designer for the photography book publisher Aprilsnow Press.

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