Won Yu-hong graduated from Hongik University’s College of Fine Arts and Dongguk Graduate School of Industrial Arts. He studied communication design at the Pratt Institute Graduate School of Design in the United States. He has worked as a designer at Cheil Industries and Deskey Associates Inc. in New York City, and served as Dean of the College of Design and Graduate School of Design at Sangmyung University and President and Vice President of the Korean Typography Society. He is currently an emeritus professor of visual design at Sangmyung University College of Design. He is the author of Design Mentoring, Design Grammar, Typography Dictionary, and History of Communication Design, and the translator of Concepts and Principles of Design, New Basics of Graphic Design, CI Design + Typography, Experimental Typography, Moving Type, and www.type, as well as high school textbooks, General Visual Design and Visual Design Practice. He is currently teaching ‘Design Cheonil Yahwa’ on K-MOOC, a Korean online open course.
Won Yu-hong
다른 사람들
She studied at Hongik University’s Department of German Language and Literature and Korea University’s Graduate School of Education. Her books include What are You Looking At? , Lives of the Artists , MoMA Highlights , The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem , A Space of My Own , and the MoMA Artists series, including Henri Matisse , Paul Cézanne , Pablo Picasso , and Joan Miró .
Rhee Pooroni
A graphic designer and illustrator based in Seoul. She majored in Painting at the Rhode Island School of Design and earned both her master’s and doctoral degrees in Visual Design from the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Seoul National University. Currently, she is a professor at the University of Seoul. In 2008, she was recognized as a Next-Generation Design Leader by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and was also selected as a Star Product Designer by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation. -
로얼 클라선
네덜란드 디자인 패션 플랫폼인 프렘셀라(Premsela)의 프로그램 매니저다. 그는 디자인, 철학, 전략 경영을 공부하고 디자인 분야에서 열정적으로 활동하고 있다. 현재 그는 오픈 디자인 문화 발전 촉진을 목표로 프렘셀라에서 추진하고 있는 이니셔티브인 디자인 공화국 프로그램을 진행하고 있다. -
Sara Kristoffersson
Sara Kristoffersson was born in Stockholm 1972 and is a Swedish writer and professor of design history and theory at Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. She is the author of several exhibition catalogue essays and has published a number of articles on various aspects of design, architecture and popular culture. -
Sugiura Kohei
Sugiura Kohei is a Japanese graphic designer and researcher in Asian iconography. Throughout his career, Sugiura has been a pioneer within the design world using processes that enables the visualization of consciousness in his large body of work that ranges from record jackets and posters, to books, magazines, and exhibition catalogues, to diagrams, stamps, and more. He is also active in promoting the study of traditional Asian cultures through producing innovative catalogue designs and … -
서울과학기술대학교 IT정책대학원 디지털문화정책전공 교수. 「전쟁의 기억과 문화국가론」 「박물관의 윤리적 미래-박물관 행동주의의 계보를 중심으로」 「문화정책의 인구정치학적 전환과 예술가의 정책적 위상」 「이중섭 신화의 또 다른 경로(매체)들-1970년대의 이중섭 평전과 영화를 중심으로」 「미술사의 소비」를 저술했다. 지은 책으로 『모두의 학교-더 빌리지 프로젝트』(공저) 『한국현대미술 읽기』(공저) 『아시아 이벤트-서로 다른 아시아들의 경합』(공저)이 있다. -
홍익대학교에서 시각 디자인을 전공하고 몇몇 대학교에서 강의하던 중 국립중앙박물관과 인연이 닿아 이십여 년 넘게 근무하고 있다. ‘박물관’ ‘디자인’ ‘문화’의 현장에서 활동하면서 디자인이 외적인 꾸밈새에만 함몰되고 있는 현상에 회의가 일었다. 다시 디자인을 생각하며 ‘어떻게 디자인할 것인가’의 문제가 아니라 ‘왜, 누구를 위해 디자인 하는가’의 문제와 맞닥뜨렸다. 그리고 디자인은 ‘꾸밈의 기술’이 아니라 ‘일상의 양식’이어야 함을 깨달았다. 기획/출간한 책으로 『오래된 디자인』 『한국전통문양집』 등이 있으며, 공동 집필한 책으로는 『디자인은 독인가, 약인가?』 『조형』 『디자인은 죽었다』 등이 있다. -
Lee Yu-jin
Lee Yu-jin graduated from Ewha Womans University with a B.A. in Sociology and received her M.A. in Art History from Hongik University. She has been engaged in art education for the general public, exhibition planning, and publishing activities at museums. She is the author of Critic Lee Il and the AG Group in the 1970s , Critic Lee Il Anthology and The Birth of a Hero among other books. -
Géraldine Borio
Dr Géraldine Borio is the founder of Borio Lab and an Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture. Dr Borio is a Swiss-registered architect who holds a PhD in architecture from RMIT, Australia, as well as a master’s degree in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Invested widely in knowledge transmission through teaching, research and publication, Dr Borio has conducted numerous workshops and lectures worldwide. Prior … -
그래픽 디자이너. 601비상 대표. 국제그래픽연맹(agi) 회원. 1988년 홍익대학교 미술대학 시각디자인과, 1999년 홍익대학교 광고홍보대학원 광고홍보학과를 졸업하고 2002–2005년 홍익대학교 미술대학 시각디자인과 겸임교수, 1993–1997년 제일기획 커뮤니케이션아트팀 아트 디렉터, 1988–1992년 쌍용그룹 홍보실 디자이너로 일했다. -
Piers Bizony
A science journalist, filmmaker, and book creator, he began his career as a portrait photographer in London and has contributed articles on science, aerospace, and cosmology to various magazines in the UK and the US. From 2012 to 2018, he worked closely with Stanley Kubrick’s family on book projects and international exhibitions commemorating Kubrick’s films 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dr. Strangelove . He collaborated with NASA on a major retrospective celebrating its most iconic missions for … -
마틴 솔즈베리
영국 앵글리아러스킨대학교(Anglia Ruskin University)의 일러스트레이션 학과 교수로, 그림책과 어린이책 일러스트레이터의 예술성을 알리기 위해 노력하고 있다. 저서로는 『플레이 펜(Play Pen)』 『어린이책과 일러스트레이션(Illustrating Children’s Books)』 등이 있다.