Ahn Graphics


Axel Ewald

Axel Ewald studied sculpture and art education at Alanus School of Art in Germany. He has taught sculpture, drawing, Goethean observation and art history for more than twenty years in Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and Israel. He has been a member of staff at Emerson College in Great Britain for five years. In cooperation with biologist Margaret Colquhoun, Axel developed a series of Goethean science and art courses in Great Britain as well as New Eyes for Plants, a workbook for drawing and plant observation, which he co-wrote and illustrated. Axel lives in Kibbutz Harduf in Israel, where he founded the “Way of the Arts” Visual Arts Training Course. He works as a sculptor and environmental artist and has exhibited in Germany, Great Britain and Israel. He teaches sculpture in Israel and is committed to the practice of facilitating art in the community (social sculpture).

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