He is an art critic and visiting professor at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Communication, and holds a PhD from the University of Iowa, USA, with a “The origin of Korean Trauerspiel”. In 2015, he was awarded the inaugural SeMA-Hana Art Criticism Award, the first national art criticism award established by the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). His recent publications include “The Blind Past and the Eternal Return of Global Civil War: Difference and Repetition in Omer Fasth and Lim Heung-soon,” Waves and Garage Sales (co-authored, Moonji Publishing, 2023), “Infrastructure Humanism: Caring for Nature, Technology, and the World After the Pandemic” (co-author, MMCA, 2022), “Art Museums and VR between Windows and Screens, Films and Architecture”, Hallyu-Technology-Culture (co-authored, KOFICE, 2022), ‘Replicants, Holograms, and the (Voice) of AI’ (co-author, KOFICE, 2022), and ‘A Deep Reading of Blade Runner’ (co-author, Psyche’s Forest, 2021).
Kwak Yung-bin
다른 사람들
Adolf Franz Karl Viktor Maria Loos was an Austrian and Czechoslovak architect, influential European theorist, and a polemicist of modern architecture. He was inspired by modernism and a widely-known critic of the Art Nouveau movement. His controversial views and literary contributions sparked the establishment of the Vienna Secession movement and postmodernism.
글꼴 디자이너이자 연구자. 2018년부터 ‘노타입’을 설립해 연구와 실험을 바탕으로 글자를 만들고 있다. 건국대학교, 이화여자대학교, 홍익대학교에서 타이포그래피를 가르친다. 2006년 홍익대학교 시각디자인과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 2008년 「일본어 음성 표기를 위한 한글 표기 체제 연구」로 석사 학위를, 2011년 「최정호 한글꼴의 형태적 특징과 계보 연구」로 박사 학위를 받았다. 2017년 네덜란드 헤이그 왕립예술학교에서 라틴 디자인을 수학했다. 공저로 『한글 디자이너 최정호』(2014), 『글립스 타입 디자인』(2022), 대표 글꼴로 옵티크(2019), 소리체(2020), 네이버 마루부리(2021), 기후위기폰트(2022)가 있다. -
근대 건축의 3대 거장 중 한 사람으로, 스위스 태생의 프랑스 건축가이자 화가이다. 흔히 르 코르뷔지에의 건축을 ‘기계미학’이라 설명하지만 그는 단순한 기능주의적 건축가가 아니다. 건축의 합리적· 기능적 조형을 중시하여 철근 콘크리트를 사용한 주택, 공공 건축, 도시 계획을 발표했고, 집을 ‘살기 위한 기계’라고 표현했으며, 건축의 척도로 삼는 모듈을 고안해 실제 건축에 적용했다. 대표적인 건축물로 ‘국제연합본부’ ‘위니테 다비타시옹’ ‘롱샹 성당’ 등이 있으며, 저서로 『건축을 향하여』『도시 계획』 『모듈러』 등이 있다. -
Adrian George
Adrian George is Deputy Director and Senior Curator at the UK Government Art Collection. She leads a department responsible for publication projects ranging from education, commentary and public programs to professional art events, and lectures on curating and contemporary art commissioning. She has commissioned site-specific works in Belgium, the Philippines, Qatar, Spain, the UK, and Yemen, and has curated exhibitions in Hong Kong, Dublin, London, Skopje, New York, and Taipei. He has held … -
Yoon Hee-su
She graduated from Hongik University and Hochschule der Kuenste, Berlin, and received her PhD in Fine Arts from Hongik University Graduate School. She is a professor of art education at Gongju University College of Education, and has been experimenting with design and initiative. She is constantly reading the time and space of discarded objects. She has held ten solo exhibitions and participated in more than 40 group exhibitions. He is the author of Basic Design , a co-authored book, and a … -
Ahn Sang-soo
Ahn Sang-soo is a graphic designer and typographer with a keen interest in Korean visual culture. He studied in the Visual Communication Design Department at Hongik University, where he also completed his graduate studies. A former professor at his alma mater, he took early retirement in 2012 to establish the Paju Typography Institute, where he currently serves as the president, also known as ‘Nalgae.’ In 2007, he received the Gutenberg Prize from the city of Leipzig, Germany. He is also a … -
다카오카 마사오
1957년 도쿄 출생으로 유한회사 가즈이공방 대표이사다. 고쿠가쿠인대학교 법률학과 졸업 후 아버지 다카오카 주조가 경영하는 가즈이공방(嘉瑞工房)에 입사해 1995년부터 현직에 있다. 아버지로부터 라틴알파벳 조판과 타이포그래피를 배웠다. 1999–2001년 인쇄박물관, 인쇄공방 어드바이저로 활동하고 라틴알파벳 조판, 타이포그래피, 기업 전용 서체에 관한 강의와 강연을 펼쳐왔다. 영국 왕립예술협회 회원(Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts), 모노타입사 어드바이저, 2009년도 신주쿠 모노쓰쿠리 마이스터 ‘기술 명인’ 인정 도쿄도 신주쿠구 등으로도 활동했다. 활자 서체 부분을 담당한 공저 『인쇄박물관(印刷博物誌)』(2001), 공저 및 감수 『‘인쇄잡지’와 그 시대(「印刷雑誌」とその時代)』(2008), 그리고 『세계의 아름다운 유럽문 활자 견본장(世界の美しい欧文活字見本帳)』(2012) 등의 책을 썼다. -
Lee Kwang-suk
Lee Kwang-suk is a professor of digital culture policy at the Graduate School of IT Policy, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has been conducting research, criticism, writing, and field activities with a critical interest in the intersection of technology, society, and culture. His main research interests include technocultural studies, media and art activism, information commons studies, youth surplus culture and technology studies, and he is currently focusing on … -
Shim Bok-seob
Graduated from the Department of Visual Design at Hongik University’s College of Fine Arts and its Graduate School of Industrial Arts, and later from the Graduate School of Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Won an award at the international competition Extrasensory Museum hosted by Nikkei Inc. and participated in the planning and production of symbolic parade vehicles for the 50th Anniversary of Liberation. Currently serves as a professor of Visual Design in the Department of … -
로렌 도허티
LMHC, ATR-P. 인디애나대학교 블루밍턴의 에스케나지미술관에서 예술 기반 복지 체험 관리자이자 전임 미술치료사로 일한다. 미술관에 처음 도입된 이 직책을 맡아 학대 및 방임을 경험한 아동, 인지 및 발달 장애인, 인디애나대학교 학생 등 다양한 연령과 능력을 가진 사람들을 위한 미술치료 프로그램을 구축했다. 미술관에서의 미술치료에 관한 논문으로 인디애나대학교 헤론예술디자인학교에서 미술치료 석사 학위를 받았다. 뮤지엄 소장품을 연계하고 감상하는 의미 있는 방식을 통해 개인적인 성장을 지원하고, 예술 제작과 창작 과정을 활용해 건강과 행복을 증진하고자 열과 성의를 다한다. -
Yoo Da-mi
She has worked as an editor for online and offline media, including Elion , Design Monthly , 1.5°C , and East . She is interested in stories about art, design, climate and environment, cities and spaces, and ways of life. She is currently the editor of C , a magazine published by GrandeClip. -
Kashiwagi Hiroshi
Hiroshi Kashiwagi (November 8, 1922 – October 29, 2019) was a Nisei (second-generation Japanese American) poet, playwright and actor. For his writing and performance work on stage he is considered an early pioneer of Asian American theatre.