Fleur Watson PhD is a curator, creative producer and author. Her academic and cultural leadership extends across a broad spectrum of creative disciplines including architecture, design, visual art, and expanded spatial practices. Fleur is an Associate Professor, School of Architecture & Design at RMIT University and founder of independent curatorial practice Something Together. She is an experienced researcher within an ‘integrated scholarship’ framework with a focus on curating contemporary art and design within a cross–disciplinary context. She has co-created and led curatorial projects, design studios and industry workshops with a diverse range of institutions including RMIT University, Melbourne and, internationally, at Innsbruck University, Austria; Design Museum, London, and the Venice International Architecture Biennale.
In 2021, the UK-based publisher Routledge released Fleur’s authored book The New Curator : Exhibiting Architecture & Design which is also due for release in the Korean language in early 2024. This publication builds on Fleur’s practice-based PhD titled ‘The Agency of Encounter’ completed in 2016 at RMIT University. Fleur is a Board member for the not-for-profit organisation “Open House Melbourne” and was formerly OHM’s Executive Director and Chief Curator from 2020–2022. From 2013–2020, Fleur was Curator at RMIT Design Hub Gallery – a purpose-designed project space dedicated to cross-disciplinary exhibitions. Fleur managed the creative direction, curation and program from the Design Hub’s official opening to the public and co-curated a diverse range of influential exhibitions and research-led projects.
Fleur Watson
다른 사람들
An adjunct professor in the Department of Spatial Production at Kaywon University of Art and Design and an automata artist. As the director of Studio Mimesis and Automata Workshop, he is actively involved in animation, automata, and kinetic art through education, exhibitions, and various projects. He co-authored the book Automata Workshop and has showcased his work in notable exhibitions such as ‹Chon Seung-il’s Thinking Automata› (2017), ‹Goguryeo Mural Automata› (2017), ‹Friends of the …
Oh Byung-keun
His teaching and research focuses on visualization for information and knowledge transfer. He is also interested in design-centered and interdisciplinary approaches for desirable interactions between humans and information, humans and media, and humans and space. He received his B.A. and Ph.D. in design from Seoul National University and his M.F.A. from New York University Graduate Center, and is currently a professor of visual design at Yonsei University, College of Design and Art. His books … -
Kay Jun
She studied literature at Ewha Womans University and Seoul National University and pursued visual design at the Graduate School of Hongik University. After graduation, she worked as the publishing team leader at the design studio AGI Society. Starting with her master’s thesis, Photography as Text and Society as Image: Handling of Photography in Twen」 (2006), she has focused her research on the intersections of photography, text, and design. Currently, she runs the photography book publishing … -
Oh Eun-jung
Oh Eun-jung is A fine art artist who loves forests, traveling, and contemplation. She uses the pen name “On-Jung” to reflect her alert gaze and warm heart.For him, painting is a break from writing, and writing is a break from painting. She realized the value of drawing for pleasure on a long trip during her art school days and founded the online club ‘Art and People’, where she has been sharing her life and drawing philosophy with people who love drawing as … -
Oh Gong-hoon
She graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in German. After working as a pop culture critic and book editor for a publishing house, she is now a professional translator from German and English. His translations include Design Sosa , Locker bleiben mit dem inneren Schweinehund , A Realist’s Walk in Psychology , From Starlight to Dew and The Secret Library of a Science Editorial Fanatic . -
비유에스아키텍츠건축사사무소는 세 명의 파트너 박지현, 우승진, 조성학이 이끄는 건축설계사무소다. 건축과 공간을 매개로 일어날 수 있는 유의미한 상상력에 기반해 도시, 문화, 사람 사이의 다양한 관계 설정에 주목한다. 건축의 ‘구축’보다 ‘과정’에 집중해 작업을 이어간다. 이런 맥락에서 비유에스는 철자 그대로 버스(BUS)라는 소통 의식에 대한 의지와 규정되지 않은 시작점(By Undefined Scale)이라는 방법론을 가리킨다. 현재 두 명의 직원 차승훈, 김수빈과 함께 다양한 프로젝트를 진행한다. -
Gail Greet Hannah
Gail Greet Hannah is a writer specializing in design and marketing. She was a friend of Rowena Reed Kostellow and worked with her to publish her teaching method. She lives in Cold Spring Harbor. -
Han Jin-yeong
Graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature at Chonnam National University and spent nearly a decade working in publishing, creating books. Later transitioned to a full-time career as a translator. Notable translations include How to Write a Life , Living a Life of Writing , Seeking Meaning Outside Religion , The Bonobo’s House , People Skills , The Boy Who Lost His Shoes , and Diagrams: The Art of Organizing Thoughts . -
Gwangju Design Center
Gwangju Design Center was established to lead the advancement of the design industry to enhance the competitiveness of local industries and drive regional economic development. Since 2014, it has organized the Gwangju Design Biennale. In 2020, the organization changed its name to Gwangju Institute of Design Promotion (GIDP). -
Hyundai Motor Company
Hyundai Motor Company is a global leader in the automotive industry that exports vehicles to over 200 countries and has established production facilities worldwide. As the pioneer of Korea’s automotive industry, Hyundai made history with the development of the nation’s first independently designed model, the Pony. The company has continued its legacy of innovation via the introduction of the world’s first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, XCIENT Fuel Cell, and the expansion its … -
Seo Yu-kyung
She is a lawyer, patent attorney, and legal designer. She received her B.A. in design and information culture from Seoul National University, her J.D. from Kyungpook National University College of Law, and her J.D. from Seoul National University, specializing in intellectual property law, with a thesis entitled A Study on the Intellectual Property Law System for Protecting the Form of Virtual Goods. While running the law firm Artis, he served as a lawyer for legal counseling for artists at the … -
Le Corbusier
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner and writer, who was one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland to French speaking Swiss parents, and acquired French nationality by naturalization on 19 September 1930. His career spanned five decades, in which he designed buildings in Europe, Japan, India, as well as North and South America. He considered that “the roots of …