Ahn Graphics

New Eyes for Plants: A workbook for observing and drawing plants


New Eyes for Plants offers fresh ways of seeing nature on a journey through the seasons with observation and drawing exercises. Simple observation exercises interwoven with inspiring illustrations invite you “to see” with a fresh pair of eyes. This opens a door onto a new way of practising Science as an Art, using the holistic approach of Goethe.

Detailed facts about plants are interwoven with artistic insights. A variety of common plants are beautifully drawn by Axel Ewald, from seed, to bud to flower and fruit. The drawings have helpful suggestions, which encourage readers to try the drawing exercises for themselves.

Margaret Colquhoun PhD researched into plants and landscape, and was the founder of the Life Science Trust, which is based at Pishwanton Wood in East Lothian, Scotland at the foot of the Lammermuir Hills. She taught and researched at Schumacher College. Axel Ewald is an artist and teaches sculpture in Israel. New Eyes for Plants has been published in several languages.


This book invites us to go on a journey, not simply of the imagination but also of activity and transformation. The invitation is to reconnect with living forms around us by looking, and doing so that our eyes are opened to the nature of plant life … The door opens onto a new way of practicing science as an art … The drawings resonate with the relationship to nature that inspires the work of Andy Goldsworthy and David Nash, while the text achieves the directness and simplicity of intimate conversation arising from real understanding. The impulse engendered by this workbook to participate by looking, drawing and experiencing is irresistible.

Brian Goodwin PhD, Schumacher College

Margaret Colquhoun

1947–2017. Goethean biologist and the Founding Director of the Life Science Trust, based at Pishwanton Wood in East Lothian, Scotland, at the foot of the Lammermuir Hills. She studied zoology and genetics with agricultural acience at Edinburgh University in the 1960s and worked there as a Research Associate in the 1970s on questions of population genetics and evolutionary biology. Later on, still carrying questions into the reality and relationship of taxonomy and evolution, she spent four years in the Carl Gustav Carus Institute in Öschelbronn in Germany and at the Natural Science Section in Dornach, Switzerland learning to use the Goethean scientific methodology. Since then she has both taught and researched extensively using Goethean science in Britain with a special interest in landscape, medicinal plants and animal evolution. Her research explored the relationship between human beings and nature through art and science. She taught at Schumacher College in Devon.

Axel Ewald

Axel Ewald studied sculpture and art education at Alanus School of Art in Germany. He has taught sculpture, drawing, Goethean observation and art history for more than twenty years in Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and Israel. He has been a member of staff at Emerson College in Great Britain for five years. In cooperation with biologist Margaret Colquhoun, Axel developed a series of Goethean science and art courses in Great Britain as well as New Eyes for Plants, a workbook for drawing and plant observation, which he co-wrote and illustrated. Axel lives in Kibbutz Harduf in Israel, where he founded the “Way of the Arts” Visual Arts Training Course. He works as a sculptor and environmental artist and has exhibited in Germany, Great Britain and Israel. He teaches sculpture in Israel and is committed to the practice of facilitating art in the community (social sculpture).

Lee Jung-kuk

Lee Jung-kuk graduated from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Education, and attended the Emerson College Waldorf Teacher Training Program and the Visual Arts Program in the UK.
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