Ahn Graphics


Lee Won-sik


Lee Won-sik is a brand manager at POSCO E&C. He is currently working as a brand manager at POSCO E&C after working at Interbrand, the world’s largest brand consulting firm. He has been consulting on strategic development and utilization of design and brand for various companies such as Morgan Stanley, Samsung Tesco, and Amorepacific. He is a member of the project planning team for the knowledge service sector of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy’s Industrial Source Technology Development Project (2011) and a member of the service design section of the Korail Design Review Committee (2012-2013). He holds a master’s degree in design management from the University of Salford, UK, and has published papers at the Design Management Institute (DMI) and major design conferences in Korea. He is the author of The Age of Service Design and the translator of Design in Business.

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