Lee Kyu-chul (1948-1994, Incheon) graduated from Hongik University in 1974, majoring in sculpture. In 1975, he left for Saudi Arabia, where he worked as an administrator and videographer for the Vinnell Company in the United States. In 1983, he entered graduate school at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, but returned home after three semesters. He had his first solo exhibition, Space and Visual Perception (Kwanhoon Museum of Art, 1988), which he spent time researching alone, and later participated in group exhibitions such as The Triptych of Kim Sung-bae, Kang Ha- jin, and Lee Kyu-chul (Gallery 81-10, 1988) curated by Jung Deok-young, and Photography, 새시좌 Exhibition (Walkerhill Art Museum, 1988) curated by Koo Bohn-chang. He was a lecturer at the Department of Sculpture, Chung-Ang University and the Department of Photography, Seoul Institute of the Arts, until his death in a car accident in 1994. Since then, his works have been presented in major photography exhibitions at Korean museums, including Four Photographic Sculptures (Kumho Museum of Art, 1996), 60 Years of Korean Contemporary Photography: 1948-2008 (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2008; Gyeongnam Provincial Museum of Art, 2009), Very Private, Very Public (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2016), and Frame after Frame (Daegu Museum of Art, 2018). His works are in the collections of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moran Art Museum, and Bess Gallery (Nagoya).
Lee Kyu-chul
다른 사람들
2005년 공동 설립한 폰트 디자인 전문 회사 ㈜폰트릭스의 크리에이티브 디렉터. 25년 넘게 폰트 디자인을 해온 대한민국 대표 폰트 디자이너 중 하나로 꼽힌다. 삼성, 카카오, 네이버, 현대카드, 넥슨, 한국출판인회의, MBC, KBS, YTN 뉴스, 동아일보, 롯데마트, 대신증권, LINE일본어 등의 전용 서체를 개발하고 상업용 서체 윤고딕과 윤명조, Rix고딕과 명조, Rix도로명 시리즈, Rix락 시리즈와 Rix락 베리어블, Rak고딕과 명조 베리어블을 비롯한 다수의 Rak 폰트 등 지금까지 약 1,000여 종의 폰트 개발 및 디렉팅을 진행했다. IF디자인어워드 타입페이스 디자인, 레드닷디자인어워드, 굿디자인어워드, 아시아디자인프라이즈 위너, 독일 국제유니버셜디자인어워드, K디자인어워드 그랑프리 등 국내·외 유수의 디자인 어워드에서 수상했다.
Jeong Jae-wan
Jeong Jae-wan graduated from Hongik University with a degree in Visual Communication Design and began his career as a book designer at Jung Byung-kyu Publishing Design and Minumsa Publishing Group. Inspired by a strong interest in street letters, he has held four solo exhibitions titled Letterscape since 2008. In 2018, he presented Jeong Jae-wan: Book Design and also Letterscape (Bukseong-ro) in 2019 as an exhibition focused on regional visual culture. He has co-authored several books, … -
마이클 록
저술가, 디자이너, 교육자. 뉴욕의 디자인 스튜디오 2×4를 공동 설립하고 크리에이티브 디렉터로 일하고 있다. 지난 30여 년 동안 미우치아 프라다, 렘 콜하스, 제르마노 첼란트, 카니예 웨스트, 버질 애블로 등 다양한 인물과 밀접히 협업해온 한편, 예일대학교, 하버드대학교, 컬럼비아대학교, 얀반에이크아카데미 등에서 가르치고 «뉴욕타임스» «I.D.» «아이» 등에 기고했다. 주요 클라이언트로는 프라다, 미우미우, 애플, 구글, 삼성, 나이키, MTV, 뉴욕현대미술관, 로스앤젤레스카운티미술관(LACMA), 하버드미술관, 아름지기재단, 타깃, 비트라, CCTV 등이 있다. 로마 미국학술원에서 로마 학술상을 받았고 현재 모교인 로드아일랜드디자인대학(RISD) 이사로 재직 중이다. 출간 예정인 책으로 『일관성(Coherence)』이 있다. -
Choi Sung-min
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are graphic designers working around Seoul, South Korea. They met at Yale University where they both earned their MFA degrees. After working as researchers at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, they returned to Korea in 2005 to start their own practice. Since then, they have created graphic identities, promotional materials, publications and websites for many cultural institutions and individuals. From 2010 until 2013, they worked as graphic designers of the … -
디자이너. 2006년 홍익대학교를 졸업하고 안그라픽스에서 UX 디자이너로 일했다. 이후 영국 런던 왕립예술학교(RCA)에서 석사를 취득했으며, 싱가포르/네덜란드 필립스헬스케어에서 UX 디자인 디렉터로 일한 다음 귀국해 울산과학기술원(UNIST) 디자인학과에 합류했다. UNIST 부교수로 재직하며 학생들을 가르치고, OND Lab을 설립해 다수의 디자인 연구와 실무 프로젝트를 진행 중이며, 한국 디지털 헬스케어 학회의 이사로 활동한다. 디지털 제품 디자인, 서비스 디자인, 디자인 전략, 그리고 의료 UX 디자인에 중점을 두고, 아울러 RCA에서의 인연으로 동시대 여러 비평적 디자이너와 연대한다. 〈CCTV 샹들리에〉 〈모두를 위한 피자〉 등의 대표작은 런던 바비칸센터, 예루살렘 이스라엘뮤지엄, 서울 페스티벌 봄을 비롯한 다양한 국가에서 공연, 전시 및 상영했다. OND Lab과 함께 디자인 정의에 관해 지속적으로 고민하며, 디자인 역할의 확장을 추구한다. 급변하는 동시대 삶에 다른 … -
Han Jae-joon
Graduated with a focus on visual design from the College of Fine Arts and the Graduate School of Hongik University. Through the Text Abstraction project, he explored new possibilities and real-world issues related to Hangul, gradually expanding his work to include research and activities from a social perspective. From 1988 to 1995, he studied the fundamentals of Hangeul design under Dr. Kong Byung-woo, a pioneer in the mechanization of Hangul. Since 1989, he has developed and implemented … -
Fukasawa Naoto
Naoto Fukasawa was born in 1956 in Yamanashi, Japan. He graduated from Tama Art University in 1980 and began his career at Seiko Epson, where he worked on advanced designs for watches and other micro-electronic devices. In 1989, he joined ID Two, a San Francisco-based product design firm that later became IDEO. In 1996, Fukasawa returned to Japan to establish and oversee IDEO’s Tokyo office. In 2003, he founded Naoto Fukasawa Design . Since 2001, he has served as a design advisor for MUJI … -
홍익대학교와 같은 학교 산업미술대학원을 졸업했다. 서울그라픽센터 연구원, 타이포하우스와 인터그라픽 크리에이티브디렉터, (주)푸른감성 제작이사, 한국시각정보디자인협회 부회장, 한국타이포그라피학회 부회장, 한국기초조형학회 부회장 등을 지냈다. 타이포잔치를 비롯한 국내외의 크고 작은 전시에 참여했다. 현재 명지전문대학 커뮤니케이션디자인과에서 타이포그래피를 강의하고 있다. -
We are Architects, who think, create, enjoy and share everyday Architecture. The title ‘ArchiWorkshop’ has two meanings. One is ‘workshop of artisans’, and the other is the meaning of ‘attacking and defending to each other through discussion’. From a result perspective of view, architecture is a visual work. But at the same time, its origin accompanies philosophy and rational thinking. For that reason, we discuss and converse as much as sketching and this … -
Axel Ewald
Axel Ewald studied sculpture and art education at Alanus School of Art in Germany. He has taught sculpture, drawing, Goethean observation and art history for more than twenty years in Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and Israel. He has been a member of staff at Emerson College in Great Britain for five years. In cooperation with biologist Margaret Colquhoun, Axel developed a series of Goethean science and art courses in Great Britain as well as New Eyes for Plants, a workbook for … -
Kashiwagi Hiroshi
Hiroshi Kashiwagi (November 8, 1922 – October 29, 2019) was a Nisei (second-generation Japanese American) poet, playwright and actor. For his writing and performance work on stage he is considered an early pioneer of Asian American theatre. -
Kang Ye-jin
She studied journalism at Yonsei University and worked in marketing and public relations in the corporate world. While pursuing her master’s program in arts management at Carnegie Mellon University, she worked for the public art team at Pittsburgh City Hall and later worked as a design strategy manager in the corporate world. She is a graduate of the Gulbab Academy and currently works as a translator for BarTranslation.