We are Architects, who think, create, enjoy and share everyday Architecture. The title ‘ArchiWorkshop’ has two meanings. One is ‘workshop of artisans’, and the other is the meaning of ‘attacking and defending to each other through discussion’. From a result perspective of view, architecture is a visual work. But at the same time, its origin accompanies philosophy and rational thinking. For that reason, we discuss and converse as much as sketching and this approach allows us for more influential operations and results. We, ArchiWorkshop, think, create, enjoy and share everyday architecture. Our ‘Everyday architecture’ has meaning of high level of architecture, namely, architecture with healthy environment and expansion of this architecture culture to more people to share.
다른 사람들
After graduating from Hanyang University with a degree in precision mechanical engineering, he worked as an engineer at Ssangyong Engineering before graduating from Seoul National University with a degree in industrial design. He then completed a master’s degree in industrial design at Seoul National University, a master’s degree in interaction design at Carnegie Mellon University, and a doctorate in design at Seoul National University. He has trained designers at Hanyang University …
홍익대학교에서 건축, 미국 코넬대학원에서 인테리어 디자인을 전공했고, 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원 원장이자 미술대학 및 건축대학 교수로 1996년부터 재직 중이다. 2007년 IFI 세계실내디자인대회 총감독, 2007–2011년 IFI 세계실내건축연맹 이사, 2011-2012년 한국실내건축가협회(KOSID) 회장, 2017–2018 한국공간디자인학회(KISD) 회장을 지냈다. KT아트홀 디자인으로 2006년 건설교통부 장관상, 2015년 대한민국 디자인대상 국무총리상을 수상했다. 현재 싱가포르 디자인 위크(SDW)를 비롯해 중국, 인도, 멕시코, 아랍에미리트 등 유수의 대학에서 디자인 대회의 초청 강연자로도 활동한다. -
Cynthia Busic-Snyder
Cynthia Busic-Snyder was born in central Ohio, where she was raised with two brothers by depression-era working class parents. She studied Visual Communication Design in the Department of Industrial Design at the Ohio State University where she developed an interest in both practicing and teaching graphic design. After working as a graphic designer and art director (identity, point of purchase, signage systems and print for both retail and business to business clients internationally) she … -
Jeon Eun-kyung
A design journalist, design advisor for grandeclip, and director of C , a magazine focused on iconic chairs. From 2006 to 2022, she worked as a reporter, editor-in-chief, and director at the magazine 『Monthly Design』, overseeing over 200 issues. During this time, she conducted interviews with designers, executives, and marketers from around the world and curated content on projects, exhibitions, spaces, and trends across various design fields. She launched 『Work Design』 and authored … -
On architects inc.
Jung Woong-sik, a principal architect at ON Architects, graduated from the Department of Architecture at Ulsan National University. He is currently an adjunct professor at the College of Design and Architecture at Ulsan National University and works as a public architect for Busan Metropolitan City. Through his exploration of the value and possibilities of regional architecture, he aims to propose various models and propose various possibilities by building a relationship between people and … -
나이절 크로스
영국 오픈유니버시티(Open University)의 디자인 연구 전공 교수이자 기술학부 디자인혁신학과 학과장. 1970년부터 오픈유니버시티의 선두적인 멀티미디어 원격 교육 프로그램의 교원으로 재직했으며 디자인 및 테크놀로지에 관한 다양한 과목을 담당한다. 디자인 연구, 특히 디자인 방법론과 디자인 인식 연구 분야에서 국제적인 명성을 얻고 있다. 한편 엘제비어사이언스(Elsevier Science)가 디자인연구협회와 협력해 발행하는 국제 연구 계간지 《디자인스터디스(Design Studies)》의 편집장이기도 하다. -
‘삶 디자이너, 생활 방식 모험가, 노머니경제센터장, 잔액부족초기 족장, 생각 수집가, 넝마스터, 다거점 거주 생활 방식을 위한 장소 임대업자, 낮 시간 기획자.’ 이렇게 이상한 직업을 스스로 만들어낸다. 산업디자인을 전공했으나 산업이 모두의 삶을 위협하는 시대임을 깨닫고 삶 디자인으로 개종했다. 삶을 어떻게 살릴 것인가? 삶을 죽이는 것은 무엇인가? 삶을 어디서부터 바꿀 것인가? 이런 화두로 도시에서의 주거 문제, 자급 생산, 생활 기술, 이동 수단, 에너지 전환, 커뮤니티 공간 등을 작업으로 발표한다. “돈이 없는 사람은 있어도 삶이 없는 사람은 없다. 누구나 가지고 있는 삶을 기반으로 시작할 수 있다.”라는 좌우명을 되새기며 살아간다. -
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
Established in 2017, the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism explores the diverse challenges arising from rapid urban growth through the lens of architecture and urbanism. With a focus on Seoul and other global cities, the Biennale seeks to address pressing urban issues and propose innovative solutions. The Biennale features Thematic Exhibitions centered on a specific theme, Guest Cities Exhibition showcasing pioneering public projects from around the globe, and On-site Projects that … -
Shin Hyun-woo
A digital culture researcher specializing in critiques of information capitalism, game studies, and technology and information culture. Actively engaged in various writing projects. Co-authored the book Mario, Born in 1981. -
Kwon Min-ho
Drawer, illustrator. He studied visual communication at Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art (RCA) postgraduate program. His work is based on drawing and new media, blurring the boundaries between illustration and fine art painting. He has worked with Factum-Arte, Bompas & Parr, Jotta studio, and RA in London, and has won awards such as the Jerwood Drawing Prize, V&A Illustration Awards, and RCA Sustain, a London design festival. He has presented and curated exhibitions … -
Gang Yeong-ok
She studied at Duksung Women’s University, Department of German and Literature, and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation. She has worked as a translator at various organizations and taught math to students. Currently, she works as a publication planner and professional translator at the translation agency Enterkorea. Her books include Great Myths of Aging , Nett ist die kleine Schwester von Scheiße , and Schrödinger’s Cat: Fifty Experiments … -
William Bevington
He is on the executive team of the Parsons Institute for Information Mapping(PIIM) New School. He currently teaches at Parsons School of Design. He has worked at Rudolf de Harak & Associates, Peter Schmidt Studio(Hamburg, Germany), and the world-renowned Pushpin Group, and taught design and typography at Cooper Union for 15 years. He has also been a visiting lecturer at Columbia University and the State University of New York at Purchase.