Studied Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University, and Communication Design at its Graduate School of Art and Design. Worked as a designer at companies such as Hong Design Co., Ltd., and has taught typography and editorial design courses at Sangmyung University, Hannam University, Kyonggi University, Chungbuk National University, and Pyeongtaek University. Actively engages in creative projects through organizations such as the Korean Society of Typography, the Korean Society of Basic Design & Art, and the Gyeonggi Design Association. Currently serves as an adjunct professor in Visual Design at the College of Design, Sangmyung University, and is the director of the design firm Thinking Design. Authored publications include Design Grammar and Typography Dictionary.
Song Myung-min
다른 사람들
Suzy Lee studied painting in Korea and book arts in the UK and has published picture books internationally. Her work has garnered several prestigious awards, including the “2022 Hans Christian Andersen Award” “the Bologna Ragazzi Award”, “the Inchon Memorial Award” “The Korean Publishing Culture Award” and “The New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Book Award”. Among her most celebrated works are the picture books Summer , River , Wave , Shadow , The Black Bird , Alice in Wonderland , and …
Choi Dong-shin
Graduated from the Department of Applied Arts at Seoul National University and the Graduate School of Hongik University. A former professor at the College of Fine Arts at Hongik University, he also served as President of the Korean Society of Package Design. He contributed to significant projects such as creating cultural posters for the 36th Asian Games and signage and environmental design for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. His collaborative works include textbooks such as High School Design … -
Gerrit Noordzij
Typographer, type designer, book designer, author, historian, and educator. Born in 1931 in Rotterdam, Netherlands, he taught type design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague from 1960 to 1990. Over three decades, he transformed the academy into one of the world’s leading institutions for type design education. He has influenced the field profoundly, producing numerous students who have become prominent type designers in Europe and the United States, collectively known as the “Hague … -
Kwon Myung-kwang
Graphic designer. Distinguished Professor at Sangmyung University. 15th President of Hongik University, Honorary Professor of Hongik University. He graduated from summer term at Osaka University of the Arts, Japan in 1974 and Hongik University, Faculty of Crafts and Graduate School of Visual Design in 1974. Since 2006, he has been an advisor to the Animation Society of Korea, a standing advisor to the Korean Federation of Design Associations (KFDA), and a standing advisor to the Visual … -
Kiura Mikio
Born and raised in Osaka. He has two master degrees in computer science at Nara Institute of Science and Technology and design at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. Currently, he runs his award-winning design studio ANKR DESIGN in Tokyo and designs new products and services with his clients. He thoroughly understands the Japanese manufacturing industry, as well as, the workflow of large companies and startups in Japan. He also has a profound knowledge of Japan’s unique culture and … -
Son Boo-kyung
Graduated from the Department of Art Theory at Hongik University and earned a master’s degree from the same university with research on spatial experiences in Minimalism and New Media Art. Co-translated works such as 40 Essential Readings in Art Theory and Criticism, 21 Terms for Media Criticism, and Postproduction. Published papers including “Jeffrey Shaw’s New Media Installation Art”, “Medial Turns in Korean Avant-Garde”, and “Binghamton Letters: A Study on Nam June Paik’s … -
서강대학교 사학과를 졸업하고, 동국대학교 대학원에서 미술사학으로 석사와 박사 학위를 받았다. 1991년부터 간송미술관에서 우리 역사와 문화에 대한 안목을 길러 왔고, 조선시대 회화를 중심으로 우리 문화와 미술에 대한 강연과 글쓰기를 활발하게 하고 있다. 현재 간송미술관 연구실장으로 있으면서 동국대학교, 이화여자대학교 등에서 한국과 동양의 미술에 관해 가르친다. 지은 책으로 『조선의 묵죽』 『선비의 향기 그림으로 만나다』와 공저서 『추사와 그의 시대』 『진경문화』 등이 있고, 「탄은 이정」 「조선 중기 수묵문인화 연구」 「조선 왕조 도석화」 「삼청첩의 역사성 연구」 등 다수의 논문이 있다. -
다카오카 마사오
1957년 도쿄 출생으로 유한회사 가즈이공방 대표이사다. 고쿠가쿠인대학교 법률학과 졸업 후 아버지 다카오카 주조가 경영하는 가즈이공방(嘉瑞工房)에 입사해 1995년부터 현직에 있다. 아버지로부터 라틴알파벳 조판과 타이포그래피를 배웠다. 1999–2001년 인쇄박물관, 인쇄공방 어드바이저로 활동하고 라틴알파벳 조판, 타이포그래피, 기업 전용 서체에 관한 강의와 강연을 펼쳐왔다. 영국 왕립예술협회 회원(Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts), 모노타입사 어드바이저, 2009년도 신주쿠 모노쓰쿠리 마이스터 ‘기술 명인’ 인정 도쿄도 신주쿠구 등으로도 활동했다. 활자 서체 부분을 담당한 공저 『인쇄박물관(印刷博物誌)』(2001), 공저 및 감수 『‘인쇄잡지’와 그 시대(「印刷雑誌」とその時代)』(2008), 그리고 『세계의 아름다운 유럽문 활자 견본장(世界の美しい欧文活字見本帳)』(2012) 등의 책을 썼다. -
Korea Craft & Design Foundation
The Korea Craft & Design Foundation (KCDF) is a public organization affiliated to the Korean Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism. The objective of the organization is to promote Korea’s craft, design and hanbok both in Korea and internationally. It is our responsibility to promote the field in order to create opportunities for young makers, artists and related groups. We focus on preserving our own cultural heritage by re-interpreting tradition, research on craft materials/skills and … -
Jiyo Architects
Kim Se-jin is an architectural practice founded in 2015 after graduating from Seoul National University’s Department of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture. His architectural work begins with the surface of paper and evolves into profound expressions of individuality and universal sensory experience. He served as a Seoul Public Architect in 2016 and has taught at Seoul National University’s design studio. Her accolades include winning the design competition for the Chebu-dong … -
Ko Il-hong
She graduated from the Department of Archaeology and Art History at Seoul National University and received her MA and PhD in archaeology from the University of Sheffield, UK. She has taught at Seoul National University, KyungHee University, Soongsil University, and Chungnam National University, and was a research professor at the HK Research Institute of Humanities at Seoul National University, and is currently a senior researcher at the Seoul National University Asia Center. She is the … -
나이절 크로스
영국 오픈유니버시티(Open University)의 디자인 연구 전공 교수이자 기술학부 디자인혁신학과 학과장. 1970년부터 오픈유니버시티의 선두적인 멀티미디어 원격 교육 프로그램의 교원으로 재직했으며 디자인 및 테크놀로지에 관한 다양한 과목을 담당한다. 디자인 연구, 특히 디자인 방법론과 디자인 인식 연구 분야에서 국제적인 명성을 얻고 있다. 한편 엘제비어사이언스(Elsevier Science)가 디자인연구협회와 협력해 발행하는 국제 연구 계간지 《디자인스터디스(Design Studies)》의 편집장이기도 하다.