Ahn Graphics


Min Gu-hong


He studied literature and linguistics at Chung-Ang University and computer programming—though he prefers to call it “narrow-sense literature and linguistics” or “poetic computation”—at the School for Poetic Computation (SFPC). He worked as an editor, designer, and programmer at Angraphics and Workroom.
Now running his one-person company Min Guhong Manufacturing, he works both within and beyond the art and design fields. Meanwhile, through “New Order”, which bills itself as “a liberal arts course for modern people,” he collaborates with Studio Pie·Chumiga, PaTI (PaJu Typography Institute), Hongik University, and others, teaching and discussing coding from the perspective of “conceptual and practical writing.”
He is the author of New Order and has translated Forget All the Graphic Design Rules You’ve Learned—Including the Ones in This Book and What Color Is the World?. Since February 22, 2022, he has been working as the director of Angraphics Lab (commonly referred to as “AG Lab”), creating “hyperlinks.”

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