Kim Jin-woo is a professor at the Yonsei School of Business and the head of Yonsei HCI Lab. After earning his degree in Business Administration from Yonsei University, he began his career as a program developer. But he eventually realized that programming wasn’t his true calling, so he pursued an MBA at UCLA. Upon graduation, he worked as a systems consultant at KPMG, but his desire to make a more direct impact on people’s lives led him to Carnegie Mellon University, where he completed his Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). He has been teaching at Yonsei University since 1994. Throughout his career, Professor Kim has served as a technical advisor to Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, chaired the board at Daum Communications, and been a director at SBS Content Hub. In a more recent stage of his career, he took on the role of president of the HCI Society of Korea for two years. This experience further led to his appointment as the 2015 president of ACM SIGCHI, where he continues to serve on the executive committee. In December 2016, he founded HAII Inc. and embarked on a new venture as a CEO. HAII is a service designed to restore companionship in people’s lives, with the mission of preventing loneliness and depression.
Kim Jin-woo
다른 사람들
연세대학교 생활디자인학과와 언론홍보영상학부에서 공부하고 제품 개발 MD로 근무했다. 이야기를 만지며 살고 싶어 번역 세계에 뛰어들었다. 글밥아카데미 출판번역 과정을 수료하고 바른번역 소속 번역가로 활동하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로 『바이닐』 『에이스』 『무법의 바다』 『여자만의 책장』이 있다.
Lee Ju-yeon
An architectural critic, journalist, and architectural culture planner. Former editor-in-chief of the architecture and design magazine 《SPACE》, and currently a contributing editor for the architectural critique journal 《(WIDE AR)》. Focuses on the social and public aspects of architecture, as well as its relationship with civil society and urban communities. -
Korea Craft & Design Foundation
The Korea Craft & Design Foundation (KCDF) is a public organization affiliated to the Korean Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism. The objective of the organization is to promote Korea’s craft, design and hanbok both in Korea and internationally. It is our responsibility to promote the field in order to create opportunities for young makers, artists and related groups. We focus on preserving our own cultural heritage by re-interpreting tradition, research on craft materials/skills and … -
Hyundai Card
Established in 2001 through a technical partnership with Diners Club International, Hyundai Card quickly became a leading credit card brand under Hyundai Motor Company. In 2003, the company acquired total identity and management rights, ensuring a cohesive brand presence. Hyundai Card rapidly gained market recognition with the launch of the ‘Hyundai Card M’ and expanded its brand with a series of alphabet cards designed to align with different customer lifestyles. The company has not stopped … -
다구치 준코
1985년 출생. 현재 도쿄 대학 대학원 박사 과정 재학. 건축 역사·도시 역사와 지역 리터러시 교육을 전공한다. 지역 만들기와 어린이 건축 교육에 관한 연구를 실시한다. 어린이 건축학교에는 2011년 후반기부터 티칭 어시스턴트(TA)로 참가했다. -
Choi Sulki
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are a graphic design duo working under the name Sulki and Min. Together, they have authored books such as Artwork Description , Off-White Paper: Brno Biennale and Education , and An Unfair and Incomplete Dutch Design Trip . Choi Sung-min has also translated books including What is a Designer? , Retromania , Paul Renner: The Art of Typography , and Modern Typography . He teaches at the University of Seoul. Both studied under Michael Rock during their time at the Yale … -
Lee Su-yeong
Lee Su-yeong graduated from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University and the Graduate School of Comparative Literature at the same school. She has worked as an editor, journalist, and exhibition organizer, and began translating humanities books such as Bandit: A History of Healing . She has translated the novels Even the Dogs , Wildlife , and I Am Number Four , the memoir My Korean Delhi , and the travelogue Your Siberia . When she wants to indulge her eyes and … -
Cheon Sang-hyun
Graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design at Hongik University, he is an editorial designer and picture book planner. Currently, he is the head of Sang Publishing, a publishing house specializing in creative picture books. From 2008 to 2011, he published 《Picture Book Imagination》, Korea’s first magazine dedicated to picture books. He has been involved in planning and organizing the CJ Picture Book Festival, an international picture book exhibition linked to the CJ Picture … -
Kwon Min-ho
Drawer, illustrator. He studied visual communication at Central Saint Martins and the Royal College of Art (RCA) postgraduate program. His work is based on drawing and new media, blurring the boundaries between illustration and fine art painting. He has worked with Factum-Arte, Bompas & Parr, Jotta studio, and RA in London, and has won awards such as the Jerwood Drawing Prize, V&A Illustration Awards, and RCA Sustain, a London design festival. He has presented and curated exhibitions … -
Kim So-eun
Graduated from Hongik University, Department of Industrial Design. She is active as a freelance illustrator in various fields such as product, advertising, video, and print. She has illustrated for Hansol Education’s ‘Finden Soundrug’, Duta’s ‘♡to♡ FESTIVAL’, YTN’s ‘Hello Weather’, 601 BISANG and SK m&c’s ‘MARK’. She created My First Helsinki in the second half of 2012 as a series of illustrations about Helsinki, … -
Jan Middendorp
Jan Middendorp is an author, researcher, and designer living in Berlin. He has edited and written books and articles about typography, design and the performing arts; designed printed matter for publishers and non-profit organizations; worked as a consultant and editor to the type world. -
서울대학교 응용미술과와 일본 다마미술대학 그래픽디자인과를 졸업했다. 한국패키지디자인학회, 패키지디자인협회 회원이다. 개인전 3회, 단체전 등 다수의 전시에 참여했다. 현재 한양대학교 디자인대학 커뮤니케이션디자인학과 교수로 일한다. 옮긴 책으로 『패키지 소프트: 마케팅수단으로서의 포장』 등이 있다.