Professor at Jeju National University, School of Architecture. He graduated from Dong-A University and earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from Kyoto University in Japan. He worked as a researcher at the Longevity Social Organization in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and as a manager of the Silver Division at Kyungnam Corporation. His specialty is senior facility planning, and his research focuses on community-based senior living environments. As a researcher on Jeju Island, he is continuously exploring the traces and values accumulated on the island and the direction of coexisting urban architecture. He is also trying to popularize architectural culture through numerous lectures and media articles. His books include Dwelling Spatiality in an Aging Society and Talking about Jeju Urban Architecture.
Kim Tae-il
다른 사람들
We are Architects, who think, create, enjoy and share everyday Architecture. The title ‘ArchiWorkshop’ has two meanings. One is ‘workshop of artisans’, and the other is the meaning of ‘attacking and defending to each other through discussion’. From a result perspective of view, architecture is a visual work. But at the same time, its origin accompanies philosophy and rational thinking. For that reason, we discuss and converse as much as sketching and this …
Kim Young-bae
He majored in visual design at Dankook University and the Department of Applied Arts at the same graduate school. He served as the editor-in-chief of the monthly Pop Sign , Sign Culture , and Sign Korea , and as the principal of the Sign Design School at the Sign Culture Institute of Hope Production Center, he conducted “Sign Design School” educational programs in Gyeonggi-do, Chungnam-do, and Jeonnam-do. He has served as a jury member for outdoor advertisements in local governments and is … -
Choi Jeong-su
Graduated from the Department of French Language and Literature at Yonsei University and its graduate school, currently working as a professional translator. Translated works include: Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist , The Zahir , Maktub , Guy de Maupassant’s The Horla , Guy de Maupassant—Boule de Suif and 62 Other Stories , Françoise Sagan’s One Month Later, One Year Later , A Certain Smile , Amazing Clouds , The Lost Side Profile , Annie Ernaux’s Simple Passion , Amos … -
Gail Greet Hannah
Gail Greet Hannah is a writer specializing in design and marketing. She was a friend of Rowena Reed Kostellow and worked with her to publish her teaching method. She lives in Cold Spring Harbor. -
Go Hae-won
She graduated from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea, where she studied composition and the Master of Music program. Since then, she has worked as a composition instructor at the Conservatory of Music and Incheon Yeongo, and currently teaches students preparing for music college entrance exams at Suryeon Music Academy. She dreams of a harmonious life like an orchestra and continues her journey with music through her composing and arranging activities. -
Lee Jung-min
Lee Jung-min graduated from Ewha Womans University, Faculty of Design and received her master’s degree from the Graduate School of Industrial Design with the thesis Strategies for Legal Protection of Service Design . Since 2013, she has been working as a researcher at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. -
Jiyo Architects
Kim Se-jin is an architectural practice founded in 2015 after graduating from Seoul National University’s Department of Architecture and Graduate School of Architecture. His architectural work begins with the surface of paper and evolves into profound expressions of individuality and universal sensory experience. He served as a Seoul Public Architect in 2016 and has taught at Seoul National University’s design studio. Her accolades include winning the design competition for the Chebu-dong … -
한양대학교 ERICA 융합디자인학부와 동 대학교 일반대학원 디자인학부 교수. UX·UI 디자인, 웹 퍼블리싱, 지역사회 기역 프로젝트, 서비스 디자인, 디자인 방법론 등을 강의하며 여러 기관 및 기업과 관련 프로젝트를 수행하고 있으며 외국인, 이주민, 노약자, 장애인, 유학생 등 다양한 집단을 대상으로 한 연구를 진행하고 있다. -
스위스 디자이너 오귀스탱 스코트 드 마르탱빌, 그레구아르 장모노, 엘릭 프티가 2004년에 시작한 디자인 스튜디오. 스위스 로잔예술대학교(ECAL)에서 친구로 만난 이들은 그들만의 견고한 팀워크와 낙관적 스타일로 실용적이면서 개성 있는 일상의 사물을 만들어낸다. 스위스디자인상, iF디자인상, 굿디자인상 등 다수의 상을 수상했으며 미국 뉴욕 현대미술관, 프랑스 파리 퐁피두센터, 벨기에 그랑오르뉘현대미술관, 스위스 로잔현대미술관에 소장되어 있다. 스위스국제항공, 에어프랑스 등을 비롯한 여러 항공사와 스웨덴 이케아(IKEA), 스위스 라도(RADO)와 네스프레소(Nespresso), 일본 가리모쿠(karimoku) 등 세계 여러 나라의 기업과 함께 일한다. -
Lee sang-hoon
He graduated with honors from Hongik University, College of Fine Arts. He received his master’s degree in contextual design from Design Academy Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and his doctorate in educational psychology from Korea University. He was selected as a Korean Next Generation Design Leader by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and is currently a professor at the Department of Design Convergence, College of Architecture, Hongik University. -
Nam Jung-min
He graduated from Yonsei University with a bachelor’s degree in architecture and received his master’s degree in architectural design from Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD). He has interned and practiced at various offices including Kennedy & Violich Architecture (KVA), Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), and Safdie Architects. He is currently a professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, where he founded the OA-Lab architectural … -
Song Seong-jae
Graduated from the Department of Applied Arts at the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, and earned a Master’s degree in Book Arts from Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London. Worked as a designer at LG Ad and as an art director at the publishing department of The Dong-A Ilbo. Currently serves as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Hoseo University’s College of Arts. An invited designer at the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition, formerly served as …