Fiona Raby, of Dunne & Raby, is a professor at The New School in New York, where she teaches Social Research Through Design, and a fellow at the Graduate Institute for Design Ethnography and Social Thought. From 2011 to 2016, she was a professor of Industrial Design (ID2) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and from 2005 to 2015, she served as a professor of Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London. Raby studied architecture at RCA and worked at Irie Keiichi Architects in Tokyo. She later earned a master’s degree in Computer Related Design at RCA. As a founding member of CRD Research Studio at RCA’s Design Research Center, she led externally funded research projects as a senior fellow. She also guided ADS 4, a specialized program for architecture students, during more than 13 years of teaching in the department.
Fiona Raby
Fiona Raby
다른 사람들
중앙대학교 문예창작학과를 졸업하고 홍익대학교대학원 미학과를 수료했다. 출판편집자, 양육자를 거쳐 현재 전문 번역가로 활동하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로는 『진실의 죽음』 『처칠의 검은 개, 카프카의 쥐』 『자동화된 불평등』 『국경 없는 자본』 『투 더 레터』 『망각의 기술』 『왜 하이데거를 범죄화해서는 안 되는가』 등이 있다.
James Chae
A designer and design educator based in Seoul. He graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and worked in web design and editorial design in New York and Boston. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Hongik University, where she continues his personal projects in editorial work, writing, and web design. -
Yoon Young-jun
Yoon Young-jun graduated from Seoul National University, Department of Life Sciences, and majored in Communication Design at SADI. She has been working mainly on editorial design and motion graphics. She is currently working as an editorial designer at Insight, a book publishing company. -
Lee Kyu-chul
Lee Kyu-chul (1948-1994, Incheon) graduated from Hongik University in 1974, majoring in sculpture. In 1975, he left for Saudi Arabia, where he worked as an administrator and videographer for the Vinnell Company in the United States. In 1983, he entered graduate school at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, but returned home after three semesters. He had his first solo exhibition, Space and Visual Perception (Kwanhoon Museum of Art, 1988), which he spent time researching alone, and … -
Lee Soo-kyung
Lee Soo-kyung is an assistant professor at Ewha Womans University’s Hawkman College of Liberal Arts. She teaches Liberal Arts English and American Ethnic and Cultural Fiction. -
Guho Choi
Studied Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and Design. He is a graphic designer, application developer, and amateur musician. He runs the graphic design studio Guho Choi and is the developer, designer, and operator of Paperman, an app designed to assist with book production. -
모모세 히로유키
도쿄조형대학 회화과를 졸업하고 쓰쿠바대학 대학원 종합조형과를 졸업했다. 배재대학교 공연 영상학부 조교수를 지내고 현재 상명대학교 디자인대학 전임강사로 재직 중이다. ANBD(Asia Network Beyond Design)의 회원이며, 〈From in the Memory〉를 비롯해 다수의 전시와 ‘생명의 충동을 형태로 하다’ ‘기초조형의 교육에 대해: 관찰, 발견, 그리고 제작’ 등을 주제로 한 다수의 강연을 가진 바 있다. -
연세대학교 HCI Lab에서 박사과정 중에 있다. 현재 디지털 치료제 전문 개발사인 주식회사 하이(HAII)와 함께 뇌졸중 환자를 대상으로 언어 치료를 하는 디지털 치료제의 기획·개발·임상을 진행 중이다. 디지털 치료제를 만들기 위한 A–Z를 직접 경험했을 뿐 아니라, 어떻게 하면 환자들이 더 잘, 지속적으로 디지털 치료의 혜택을 받을 수 있을지 연구한다. 공저로 『디지털 치료제 혁명: 제3의 신약 디지털 치료제의 모든 것』(클라우드나인, 2022)을 집필했다. -
뤼카스 에버르스
바그(Waag)소사이어티 인터넷 문화 프로그램 국장이다. 그는 예술, 과학, 디자인, 사회가 교차하는 여러 가지 프로젝트에 참여하고 있다. 이제는 인터넷 문화의 영향력을 기술에 대한 이해도가 높은 분야까지 폭넓게 확대해가고 있다. -
Choi Sulki
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are a graphic design duo working under the name Sulki and Min. Together, they have authored books such as Artwork Description , Off-White Paper: Brno Biennale and Education , and An Unfair and Incomplete Dutch Design Trip . Choi Sung-min has also translated books including What is a Designer? , Retromania , Paul Renner: The Art of Typography , and Modern Typography . He teaches at the University of Seoul. Both studied under Michael Rock during their time at the Yale … -
Cody Choi
Cody Choi(b.1961), who has consistently been active as a visual artist and cultural theorist since the 1980s, explores the cultural identity and relationship of authority within contemporary society. Choi touches upon topics of cultural maldigestion, third-culture created by the clash of different cultures, the beauty of such hybridism, and simultaneously occurring new social phenomena—all of which Choi experienced as a foreigner in the US. Choi gained his stature as a world-renowned artist … -
리처드 해리스
캐나다 토론토에서 활동 중인 소설가. 편집과 번역 작업을 병행하고 있다. 지은 책으로 『A Father’s Son』 『Roadmap to Korean』 등이 있다.