Fiona Raby, of Dunne & Raby, is a professor at The New School in New York, where she teaches Social Research Through Design, and a fellow at the Graduate Institute for Design Ethnography and Social Thought. From 2011 to 2016, she was a professor of Industrial Design (ID2) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and from 2005 to 2015, she served as a professor of Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London. Raby studied architecture at RCA and worked at Irie Keiichi Architects in Tokyo. She later earned a master’s degree in Computer Related Design at RCA. As a founding member of CRD Research Studio at RCA’s Design Research Center, she led externally funded research projects as a senior fellow. She also guided ADS 4, a specialized program for architecture students, during more than 13 years of teaching in the department.
Fiona Raby
Fiona Raby
다른 사람들
She studied journalism at Yonsei University and worked in marketing and public relations in the corporate world. While pursuing her master’s program in arts management at Carnegie Mellon University, she worked for the public art team at Pittsburgh City Hall and later worked as a design strategy manager in the corporate world. She is a graduate of the Gulbab Academy and currently works as a translator for BarTranslation.
FHHH Friends
FHHH Friends is an architecture firm composed of three principals—Yoon Hanjin, Han Seungjae, and Han Yangkyu —along with six team members. The three principals first crossed paths as colleagues at Designcamp Moonpark (DMP) and have been working together since 2013. Their work is rooted in a deep understanding of urban contexts, showcasing originality and creativity across a range of projects. In recognition of their contributions to the field, they were named Young Architects of 2019 . -
Lee Seung-heon
Lee Seung-heon is a professor of interior architecture at Dongmyung University. He majored in architectural engineering at Dong-A University and earned his PhD from Pusan National University with a thesis on the meaning and expression of locality in architecture. He writes and lectures on various media for public understanding of architecture, and his research interests include the evolution of space and the aesthetics of weaving. He has worked as a planner and designer for ‘Reno House , … -
Kang Ju-hyun
He runs the graphic design studio Occupy the City and is based in Seoul. He curated and organized the exhibition Occupy the City: Typozimmer Nr. 7 and participated in other exhibitions such as Korean Design: Transforming Forms and Tools of Communication . He is currently an adjunct professor at Konkuk University and teaches graphic design and typography at various universities. -
Jang Yeong-jin
Graduated with a primary major in English Education from Korea University. After completing military service and returning to school, he explored new fields and entered the world of design. Discovering an unexpected aptitude for it, he pursued Industrial Information Design as a second major and went on to earn a master’s degree from the same university. Currently, he runs the design company YOUNGLAB, participating in design projects for startups, SMEs, and large corporations domestically and … -
사라 드 본트
벨기에의 겐트를 중심으로 활동하는 그래픽 디자이너이자 교수, 출판인이다. 영국의 여러 대학과 국제 무대에서 가르치고 강연을 해왔다. 2009년에는 프레이저 머거리지와 함께 런던의 세인트브라이드 도서관에서 ‘책의 형태(Form of the Book)’ 콘퍼런스를 조직했으며, 『마스터 빌더: 켄 브릭스와의 대화(The Master Builder: Talking with Ken Briggs)』(오케이셔널 페이퍼Occasional Papers)를 공동 편집했다. -
레너드 코렌
뉴욕에서 태어나 로스앤젤레스에서 성장한 레너드 코렌은 건축을 전공했지만 기이하게 생긴 일본식 다실을 제외하고는 정작 아무것도 지은 적이 없다. 영구적인 대형 건물의 설계는 철학적으로 너무 성가신 일이라고 생각했기 때문이다. 대신에 그는 집필과 출판에 눈을 돌려 1970년대 최고의 아방가르드 매거진이라 평가받는 《WET: the Magazine of Gourmet Bathing》을 발간했다. 1981년 잡지 발행을 그만두고 일본으로 이주해 여러 권의 미학 관련 책을 냈다. 현재 샌프란시스코에 거주하며 디자인과 미학 분야의 저술 활동을 한다. 국내에 소개된 책으로는 『배치의 미학』 『와비사비: 그저 여기에』 『이것은 선이 아니다』 『예술가란 무엇인가』 등이 있다. -
Rhee Pooroni
A graphic designer and illustrator based in Seoul. She majored in Painting at the Rhode Island School of Design and earned both her master’s and doctoral degrees in Visual Design from the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Seoul National University. Currently, she is a professor at the University of Seoul. In 2008, she was recognized as a Next-Generation Design Leader by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and was also selected as a Star Product Designer by the Korea Craft & Design Foundation. -
Ahn Sang-soo
Ahn Sang-soo is a graphic designer and typographer with a keen interest in Korean visual culture. He studied in the Visual Communication Design Department at Hongik University, where he also completed his graduate studies. A former professor at his alma mater, he took early retirement in 2012 to establish the Paju Typography Institute, where he currently serves as the president, also known as ‘Nalgae.’ In 2007, he received the Gutenberg Prize from the city of Leipzig, Germany. He is also a … -
Kim Soo-jeong
He graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Hannam University and the Department of Advertising Design at Hongik University Graduate School of Industrial Arts. He edited and planned Picturebook Imagination , a magazine specializing in creative picture books and picture books at a commercial publishing house, and was the head of the planning team for the 1st CJ Picture Book Festival and a member of the 1st and 2nd primary jury. He is currently the head of Soojung Edition, and has been … -
Yonsei HCI Lab
The Yonsei HCI Lab focuses on research in human-AI interaction, with a special emphasis on UX design for digital health systems that enhance well-being and treat diseases. The lab members, who are not just HCI experts but ‘Experience Engineers,’ are dedicated to developing innovative digital health products that help bring meaningful experiences through AI technology. -
네임리스건축은 아이디어 기반의 설계사무소이다. 나은중과 유소래는 각각 홍익대학교와 고려대학교에서 건축을 공부하고 U.C 버클리 건축대학원을 졸업했다. 2010년 뉴욕에서 네임리스건축을 개소한 뒤 서울로 사무실을 확장했으며, 예측 불허한 세상에 단순함의 구축을 통해 건축과 도시 그리고 문화적 사회현상을 탐구하고 있다. 2012년과 2017년 문화체육관광부 오늘의 젊은예술가상, 미국건축연맹 젊은건축가상, AIA뉴욕건축가협회상, 보스턴건축가협회상, 김수근건축상 프리뷰상 등을 수상했다.