Lee Kwang-suk is a professor of digital culture policy at the Graduate School of IT Policy, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has been conducting research, criticism, writing, and field activities with a critical interest in the intersection of technology, society, and culture. His main research interests include technocultural studies, media and art activism, information commons studies, youth surplus culture and technology studies, and he is currently focusing on archival studies of online activism and participatory art, critical hand-made culture studies, digital humanities criticism, and socio-cultural history of the early Internet. He is the author of Betrayal of the Digital, Aesthetics of Data Society, Critique of Data Society, New Art Activism, Cyvantgarde , Digital Savagery, Rooftop Aesthetics Notes, Impure Technology, Forks in Contemporary Technology and Media Philosophy, and Tinkering with Things.
Lee Kwang-suk
다른 사람들
홍익대학교에서 시각디자인을 전공했고 홍익대학교 산업미술대학원과 아트인스티튜트오브시카고(School of the Art Institute of Chicago) 대학원에서 광고디자인과 비주얼커뮤니케이션을 전공했다. 일리노이주립대학교(University of Illinois at Chicago)에서 사인과 심벌을 수학하면서 디자인 연구의 기호학적 접근을 시도했고, 홍익대학교 대학원에서 시각적 유머를 기호학으로 연구하여 미술학박사를 취득했다. 한국전력공사, 문화방송, 조흥은행, 칠성사이다, 논산시, 청주시, 충청북도, 인공위성 연구센터의 CIP 디자인에 참여했으며, 관세청, 조달청 등에서 이미지 개선 자문위원을 역임했다. 한국조형예술학회 회장을 지냈으며, 케임브리지대학교 (University of Cambridge) 아시아학부 객원 연구원으로 영국과 동아시아의 시각 문화에 대해 연구했다. 현재 중국 루쉰미술학원의 객좌교수이자 홍익대학교 커뮤니케이션디자인 전공교수로서 기호학, 시각 …
Shim Bok-seob
Graduated from the Department of Visual Design at Hongik University’s College of Fine Arts and its Graduate School of Industrial Arts, and later from the Graduate School of Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Won an award at the international competition Extrasensory Museum hosted by Nikkei Inc. and participated in the planning and production of symbolic parade vehicles for the 50th Anniversary of Liberation. Currently serves as a professor of Visual Design in the Department of … -
‘Artist Proof’ is a print & design label run by an artist, Kyungjoo Choi. The artist, working based in Seoul, embodies multi-layered inner structures in layers of overlapped colours and refined symbols. By experimenting with images she created and crossing the boundaries of art genres, ‘Artist Proof’ has done various projects such as producing items, holding exhibitions, and collaborative art projects. -
Guho Choi
Studied Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and Design. He is a graphic designer, application developer, and amateur musician. He runs the graphic design studio Guho Choi and is the developer, designer, and operator of Paperman, an app designed to assist with book production. -
영상 애니메이션을 전공한 뒤 SBS디지털뉴스랩 작전콘텐츠팀에서 디자이너로 일하며 〈스브스뉴스〉 〈문명특급〉 등 다양한 브랜드 및 콘텐츠 디자인을 총괄하고 있다. 2021년부터는 친환경 커머스 브랜드 175플래닛의 디자인도 겸하고 있다. -
Choi Ho-chun
Completed doctoral coursework in Visual Design at the College of Fine Arts and the Graduate School of Hongik University. Recipient of awards such as the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP) President’s Award and the Prime Minister’s Award at the Korea Industrial Design Exhibition. Served as an inaugural designer for KIDP and as the Chair of the Visual Designers Division at the Korean Association of Industrial Artists. Authored books including Visual Communication Design and High School … -
Kim Sun-nyeo
Pen name Kim Sia. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris-III is a PhD candidate in French Modern Literature under the supervision of Prof. Serge Martin. She is also a writer on picture book criticism and European special education. -
미트라 레이하니 가딤
LCAT, ATR-BC. 창의미술치료 석사, 시각예술 석사, 미술치료 박사 학위를 받았으며 뉴욕주 면허를 소지한 공인 미술치료사, 연구자, 작가 및 교육자다. 현재 뉴욕주 정신보건국의 사가모어아동정신건강센터에서 미술치료사로 근무한다. 약 10년간 정규 뮤지엄 미술치료사로 일하며 퀸스박물관의 아트액세스 프로그램 및 자폐주도팀과 나소카운티미술관에서 헌신적으로 임했다. 또한 마운트시나이사우스나소 행동분과 입원 병동 같은 성인 임상 환경과 지역사회 노인 프로그램에서 일하고, 리빙뮤지엄의 상주 예술가로도 활동했다. 뮤지엄, 지역사회, 임상 치료 환경에서 정신 질환을 가진 사람들, 장애가 있는 어린이 및 성인들과 함께하며 다년간 경험을 쌓았다. 현재 뉴욕 호프스트라대학교와 LIU포스트에서 학생들을 가르친다. -
Lee Soon-jong
Lee Soon-jong graduated from Seoul National University College of Fine Arts and the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Graduate School of Design. He has served as a professor at Kookmin University’s Department of Industrial Design and Seoul National University’s Department of Design. He also founded the International Association of Societies for Design Research (IASDR), served as president of the Korean Design Association, and was the first design director of the Gwangju Design … -
Shin Hee-kyoung
Specialized in Visual Design and Design Theory at Seoul National University and its graduate school. As a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship, earned a master’s degree from Musashino Art University and a Ph.D. in Art from the Department of Design at Nihon University. After serving as a researcher at Musashino Art University, currently works as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Semyung University while actively pursuing art, including two solo exhibitions. … -
서울대학교 응용미술과와 일본 다마미술대학 그래픽디자인과를 졸업했다. 한국패키지디자인학회, 패키지디자인협회 회원이다. 개인전 3회, 단체전 등 다수의 전시에 참여했다. 현재 한양대학교 디자인대학 커뮤니케이션디자인학과 교수로 일한다. 옮긴 책으로 『패키지 소프트: 마케팅수단으로서의 포장』 등이 있다. -
Im Nam-sook
Graduated from the Department of Ceramics at Ewha Womans University. She majored in Graphic Design at Braunschweig University of Art (Braunschweig Kunsthochschule) in Germany and earned a Ph.D. in Design Philosophy from the same institution. Currently, she is a professor in the Department of Art Education at Daegu National University of Education.