Ahn Graphics


Post Digital: Topics and Horizons

포스트 디지털: 토픽과 지평


The Bare Face of Advanced Scientific Technology and Digital Barbarism

Reflecting on the Future of Human-Tech Ensembles Beyond the Cult of Technology

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has further accelerated the speed of technology. With social distancing measures in place, people increasingly rely on electronic methods of communication and relationship-building. How can we combat the technological fetishism arising in the process? This book is different from most other books on the future, which only spread groundless optimism about technology. Post Digital : Topics and Horizons seeks to recover the solidarity of the weak harmed by cutting-edge technologies, and to restore old and neglected ones, thereby breaking away from the celebration and worship of new digital technologies. It envisions a future that promotes a symbiosis between humans and non-humans.

Lee Kwang-suk

Lee Kwang-suk is a professor of digital culture policy at the Graduate School of IT Policy, Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He has been conducting research, criticism, writing, and field activities with a critical interest in the intersection of technology, society, and culture. His main research interests include technocultural studies, media and art activism, information commons studies, youth surplus culture and technology studies, and he is currently focusing on archival studies of online activism and participatory art, critical hand-made culture studies, digital humanities criticism, and socio-cultural history of the early Internet. He is the author of Betrayal of the Digital, Aesthetics of Data Society, Critique of Data Society, New Art Activism, Cyvantgarde , Digital Savagery, Rooftop Aesthetics Notes, Impure Technology, Forks in Contemporary Technology and Media Philosophy, and Tinkering with Things.

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