Born in 1929, he completed an apprenticeship in typesetting and later worked as an instructor. He taught photography and graphic design at various colleges and at the Zurich School of Design, while also serving as a teacher at the Zurich School of Industrial Design, where he developed lifelong learning programs in typographic design. His work spans book design for the cultural sector, exhibition catalogs, posters, and exhibition and installation design. A prolific writer, he has authored numerous books on art, architecture, typography, typographic design, and typefaces, contributed to many journals, and delivered extensive lectures on these subjects. His creative endeavors include painting, graphic design, land art, and photography. In 1956, he founded Janus-Presse in Zurich, producing portfolios and books on original graphics and art. A member of “Xylon” (the International Association of Wood Engravers), he edited and designed the association’s magazine Xylon, dedicated to woodcuts and woodcutting techniques, from 1967 to 1991.
Hans Rudolf Bosshard
다른 사람들
He graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Hannam University and the Department of Advertising Design at Hongik University Graduate School of Industrial Arts. He edited and planned Picturebook Imagination , a magazine specializing in creative picture books and picture books at a commercial publishing house, and was the head of the planning team for the 1st CJ Picture Book Festival and a member of the 1st and 2nd primary jury. He is currently the head of Soojung Edition, and has been …
Saras D. Sarasvathy
Saras D. Sarasvathy (born 1959) is an American entrepreneurship professor and recipient of the 2022 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. She is currently the Paul M. Hammaker Professor in Business Administration at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business and the Jamuna Raghavan Chair Professor in Entrepreneurship, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. She serves on the editorial boards or as associate editor of several academic journals as well as serving as an outside … -
서강대학교 영문과를 졸업하고 출판사에서 일하며 다양한 책을 편집했다. 현재 프리랜서 번역자로 국내 주요 미술관과 기업을 위해 일하고 있다. 옮긴 책으로 『책 형태에 관한 책』 『빅게임: 매일의 사물들』 『타이포그래피 첫 원칙』 『100권의 디자인 잡지』 『디자이너, 디자이너 훔쳐보기』 『그래픽 디자인 도서관』 『걸작의 공간』 등이 있다. -
마이클 록
저술가, 디자이너, 교육자. 뉴욕의 디자인 스튜디오 2×4를 공동 설립하고 크리에이티브 디렉터로 일하고 있다. 지난 30여 년 동안 미우치아 프라다, 렘 콜하스, 제르마노 첼란트, 카니예 웨스트, 버질 애블로 등 다양한 인물과 밀접히 협업해온 한편, 예일대학교, 하버드대학교, 컬럼비아대학교, 얀반에이크아카데미 등에서 가르치고 «뉴욕타임스» «I.D.» «아이» 등에 기고했다. 주요 클라이언트로는 프라다, 미우미우, 애플, 구글, 삼성, 나이키, MTV, 뉴욕현대미술관, 로스앤젤레스카운티미술관(LACMA), 하버드미술관, 아름지기재단, 타깃, 비트라, CCTV 등이 있다. 로마 미국학술원에서 로마 학술상을 받았고 현재 모교인 로드아일랜드디자인대학(RISD) 이사로 재직 중이다. 출간 예정인 책으로 『일관성(Coherence)』이 있다. -
Chung Hye-uk
Studied Visual Communication Design in the Department of Industrial Design at the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University. Earned a master’s degree in New Media Design from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and a Ph.D. in Visual Communication from the Graduate School of Communication at Yonsei University. Currently, she serves as a professor at the Content School of Cheonggang University of Culture and Industry. -
Hwang Hee-gyeong
She majored in Textile Arts at Hongik University and earned a master’s degree in Design Strategy and Innovation from Brunel University in the UK. She worked as a fashion information planner and trend analysis researcher at a major apparel corporation and a consulting firm. Currently, she is a translator with Barun Translators. Her translated works include Service Design for Customer Experience Innovation and Shoes: A Cultural History of Style . -
미트라 레이하니 가딤
LCAT, ATR-BC. 창의미술치료 석사, 시각예술 석사, 미술치료 박사 학위를 받았으며 뉴욕주 면허를 소지한 공인 미술치료사, 연구자, 작가 및 교육자다. 현재 뉴욕주 정신보건국의 사가모어아동정신건강센터에서 미술치료사로 근무한다. 약 10년간 정규 뮤지엄 미술치료사로 일하며 퀸스박물관의 아트액세스 프로그램 및 자폐주도팀과 나소카운티미술관에서 헌신적으로 임했다. 또한 마운트시나이사우스나소 행동분과 입원 병동 같은 성인 임상 환경과 지역사회 노인 프로그램에서 일하고, 리빙뮤지엄의 상주 예술가로도 활동했다. 뮤지엄, 지역사회, 임상 치료 환경에서 정신 질환을 가진 사람들, 장애가 있는 어린이 및 성인들과 함께하며 다년간 경험을 쌓았다. 현재 뉴욕 호프스트라대학교와 LIU포스트에서 학생들을 가르친다. -
Lee Hyun-song
A designer in the Brand Strategy Team at Hyundai Department Store, actively involved in infusing vitality into the brand through various activities such as brand positioning and campaigns across multiple media platforms. She is particularly interested in effectively communicating the brand’s direction to customers through design, exemplified by projects like the opening of The Hyundai Seoul. -
근대 건축의 3대 거장 중 한 사람으로, 스위스 태생의 프랑스 건축가이자 화가이다. 흔히 르 코르뷔지에의 건축을 ‘기계미학’이라 설명하지만 그는 단순한 기능주의적 건축가가 아니다. 건축의 합리적· 기능적 조형을 중시하여 철근 콘크리트를 사용한 주택, 공공 건축, 도시 계획을 발표했고, 집을 ‘살기 위한 기계’라고 표현했으며, 건축의 척도로 삼는 모듈을 고안해 실제 건축에 적용했다. 대표적인 건축물로 ‘국제연합본부’ ‘위니테 다비타시옹’ ‘롱샹 성당’ 등이 있으며, 저서로 『건축을 향하여』『도시 계획』 『모듈러』 등이 있다. -
Shin Hee-kyoung
Specialized in Visual Design and Design Theory at Seoul National University and its graduate school. As a recipient of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship, earned a master’s degree from Musashino Art University and a Ph.D. in Art from the Department of Design at Nihon University. After serving as a researcher at Musashino Art University, currently works as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Semyung University while actively pursuing art, including two solo exhibitions. … -
Fernando Pessoa
Born in 1888 in Lisbon, Portugal, and raised in Durban, South Africa. At the age of 17, he returned to Lisbon, where he worked as a translator for a trading company. He passed away in 1935, but after his death, a “trunk” found in his room contained an extensive collection of prose and poetry manuscripts, which were later published to great acclaim. Widely known for his exploration of multiple selves through writing under numerous heteronyms, his work has had a profound impact on … -
On architects inc.
Jung Woong-sik, a principal architect at ON Architects, graduated from the Department of Architecture at Ulsan National University. He is currently an adjunct professor at the College of Design and Architecture at Ulsan National University and works as a public architect for Busan Metropolitan City. Through his exploration of the value and possibilities of regional architecture, he aims to propose various models and propose various possibilities by building a relationship between people and …