Ahn Graphics


Hans Rudolf Bosshard

Born in 1929, he completed an apprenticeship in typesetting and later worked as an instructor. He taught photography and graphic design at various colleges and at the Zurich School of Design, while also serving as a teacher at the Zurich School of Industrial Design, where he developed lifelong learning programs in typographic design. His work spans book design for the cultural sector, exhibition catalogs, posters, and exhibition and installation design. A prolific writer, he has authored numerous books on art, architecture, typography, typographic design, and typefaces, contributed to many journals, and delivered extensive lectures on these subjects. His creative endeavors include painting, graphic design, land art, and photography. In 1956, he founded Janus-Presse in Zurich, producing portfolios and books on original graphics and art. A member of “Xylon” (the International Association of Wood Engravers), he edited and designed the association’s magazine Xylon, dedicated to woodcuts and woodcutting techniques, from 1967 to 1991.

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