A graphic designer and Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University, he is the Honorary President of the Korean Federation of Design Organizations. Throughout his illustrious career, he has held numerous influential positions in the field of design: Jury Member for the Asia Digital Art and Design Awards (2001–2007), Honorary Doctorate in Design from Dongseo University (2001), International Jury Member for Hong Kong Design Show 98 (1998), Founding President of the Korea Society of Visual Information Design (1996), Dean of the Graduate School of Design at Dongseo University (1986–1989), Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Seoul National University (1984–1987), President of the Korean Society of Visual Design (1980–1983, 1972-1975). He also served as an international jury member for the Morisawa International Typeface Design Competition, making significant contributions to both Korean and global design communities.
Cho Young-jae
다른 사람들
Associate Professor Koyama started his business career at a major advertising agency after receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at Kyoto University. After working as a producer at Shochiku Co., Ltd. to launch a new business based on the theme of Kabuki, he established Bloom Concept Inc. Professor Koyama received an MBA from the Thunderbird School of Global Management and Ph.D. from Kyoto University of the Arts, before joining NUCB Business School in 2015, and his research interests …
Kwon Jin
Kwon Jin is a contemporary art researcher and curator and currently works as the project director of the Seoul Mediacity Biennale at the Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA). He has been at the SeMA since 2016 after working at ARKO Art Center and the 4th Anyang Public Art Project (APAP), where he curated Ahn Sang-soo’s solo exhibition Nalgae.pati (2017), Latin American Contemporary Art Exhibition Work for the Future Past (2017–2018), Middle Eastern Contemporary Art Exhibition gohyang: home … -
Jeon Nina
She graduated from the Department of Fiber Arts at Ewha Womans University and studied Motion Pictures at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, USA. She earned a master’s degree in Computer Art from the Academy of Art University (AAU) in San Francisco and completed a doctoral coursework in Media Design at the Cross Media Creative Lab in the Department of Digital Media at Ewha Womans University. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and … -
KIM Kai-chun
He is an architect and designer, a professor at Kookmin University’s College of Architecture, and has specialized in architecture and Seon (Zen) philosophy. He has been working on architectural planning and design, painting and writing with ideas that cross over from Korean tradition and Seon thought to contemporary aesthetics. He has published books on Eastern architectural aesthetics such as “Architecture of Ming Ming” and “Lao Tzu and the Idea of Spatial Formation” and papers on the … -
근대 건축의 3대 거장 중 한 사람으로, 스위스 태생의 프랑스 건축가이자 화가이다. 흔히 르 코르뷔지에의 건축을 ‘기계미학’이라 설명하지만 그는 단순한 기능주의적 건축가가 아니다. 건축의 합리적· 기능적 조형을 중시하여 철근 콘크리트를 사용한 주택, 공공 건축, 도시 계획을 발표했고, 집을 ‘살기 위한 기계’라고 표현했으며, 건축의 척도로 삼는 모듈을 고안해 실제 건축에 적용했다. 대표적인 건축물로 ‘국제연합본부’ ‘위니테 다비타시옹’ ‘롱샹 성당’ 등이 있으며, 저서로 『건축을 향하여』『도시 계획』 『모듈러』 등이 있다. -
Guho Choi
Studied Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and Design. He is a graphic designer, application developer, and amateur musician. He runs the graphic design studio Guho Choi and is the developer, designer, and operator of Paperman, an app designed to assist with book production. -
홍익대학교 미술대학에서 시각 디자인을 전공했다. 로드아일랜드디자인스쿨에서 그래픽 디자인을 공부했고 성균관대학교에서 예술학 박사학위를 받았다. 쌍용그룹 홍보실, 삼성전자 해외 본부에서 그래픽 디자이너로 일했고 한양대학교 디자인대학, 삼성디자인학교(SADI), 삼성디자인연구원(IDS)에서 교수를 역임했다. 2016년 현재는 연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원과 연세대학교 언더우드국제대학 정보인터랙션디자인 전공 교수로 있다. -
James Craig
James Craig, a well-known author of books on graphic design, was born in Montreal, Canada. He studied fine arts in Montreal and Paris before immigrating to the United States. He received his BFA from The Cooper Union and his MFA from Yale University. Now semi-retired, Mr. Craig was the Design Director for Watson-Guptill Publications and is a member of the New York Art Directors Club, Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI), Type Directors Club (TDC), Typophiles, and a past member of … -
Lee Hyun-song
A designer in the Brand Strategy Team at Hyundai Department Store, actively involved in infusing vitality into the brand through various activities such as brand positioning and campaigns across multiple media platforms. She is particularly interested in effectively communicating the brand’s direction to customers through design, exemplified by projects like the opening of The Hyundai Seoul. -
Seo Ha-na
A Japanese translator and publishing editor who hovers between language and print. She considers language to be design, translating Japanese into Korean and plans books. She has worked in architecture and interiors, and after studying in Japan, she worked as an editor at Ahn Graphics. She has translated Rojinryoku , Who Made 501XX? , The Mina Perhonen Design Journey: The Circulation of Memory , An Encyclopedia of Tokyo Hotels , The Original Scenery of Harajuku in the 1970s , Walking with the … -
Kim Nan-Ju
Graduated from Kyung Hee University’s Department of Korean Language and Literature, and received a master’s degree in modern Japanese literature from Showa Women’s University in Japan. Currently working as a translator specializing in Japanese literature. Books she has translated include Between Coolness and Passion: Rosso , Kitchen , The Doctor’s Beloved Formulas , The Tale of Genji , I Am a Cat , Voyage Through Stars , The Newcomer , etc. -
Choi Jeong-ho
A Pioneer of modern Korean type design and typeface research. He moved to Japan, where he worked at a printing company, mastering various printing techniques, and studied at Yodobashi Art Academy. In 1957, he developed the Dong-A Publishing Typeface , which received high acclaim. In the early 1970s, he collaborated with Japanese phototypesetting companies Shaken (寫硏) and Morisawa (モリサワ) to create Hangeul typefaces. In his later years, he focused on writing and researching the philosophy and …