Lee Soon-jong graduated from Seoul National University College of Fine Arts and the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Graduate School of Design. He has served as a professor at Kookmin University’s Department of Industrial Design and Seoul National University’s Department of Design. He also founded the International Association of Societies for Design Research (IASDR), served as president of the Korean Design Association, and was the first design director of the Gwangju Design Biennale. He has conducted various corporate research on future design forecasting and design strategy, corporate identity and cultural design, multidisciplinary integrated design, and creative design cities. He has published numerous books on venture and design certification systems, integrated creative design, future creative education, future design forecasting, and Korean design. He was awarded the Industrial Prize (2001) for his contributions to the development of Korean design.
Lee Soon-jong
다른 사람들
Lucas Evers is Head of the e-Culture Programme at Waag Society. Lucas is involved in projects at the intersection of art, science, design and society, extending the reach of e-Culture to a wider range of technology-informed disciplines.
홍익대학교 미술대학 시각디자인과 졸업 후 동 대학원에서 의상 디자인으로 석사 학위(M.F.A)를 수여받았다. 이후 영국 런던패션대학(London College of Fashion)에서 석사학위(M.F.A)를 마치고, 국민대학교에서 박사 학위(Ph.D)를 취득했다. 현재 평택대학교 패션디자인및브랜딩학과 학과장으로 재직 중이며, 한국섬유·패션산학협회 회장, 서울미술협회 부이사장 등 여러 학회 및 협회에서 임원으로 활동한다. 또한 싱가포르, 러시아 등 국제패션대회 심사위원으로 초청받았으며, 작품 활동으로 〈Media Art Moving Drawing〉 작업이 ‘제8회 서울모던아트쇼 대상’ 수상, ‘한국기초조형학회 국제초대전’에서 최우수작품상을 수상했다. -
Richard Harris
Born in Toronto, Canada in 1974. After completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science at McGill University in 1996, he moved to South Korea, where he lived for 10 years. He continued to live overseas for two more years—in Spain, Australia, and South Africa—before returning to Canada in 2009. Today, he lives and works in Toronto. A Father’s Son (2013) is his first novel. He is also the author of two nonfiction books, Roadmap to Korean (2003) and Faces of Korea (2004), a novella, and a … -
Lee Su-yeong
Lee Su-yeong graduated from the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University and the Graduate School of Comparative Literature at the same school. She has worked as an editor, journalist, and exhibition organizer, and began translating humanities books such as Bandit: A History of Healing . She has translated the novels Even the Dogs , Wildlife , and I Am Number Four , the memoir My Korean Delhi , and the travelogue Your Siberia . When she wants to indulge her eyes and … -
Simon Garfield
Simon Garfield was born in London in 1960. He is the author of an appealingly diverse and unpredictable canon of non-fiction, including the bestsellers Mauve, Just My Type and On The Map. He is a trustee of Mass Observation, and is the editor of several books of diaries from the archive, including Our Hidden Lives and A Notable Woman. His recent books include Timekeepers, In Miniature, and All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopaedia. -
Lee Yil
Lee-Yil is an art critic who made a significant contribution to recognizing and establishing the concept of art criticism and review in the Korean art world from the 1960s to the 1990s. Born in 1932 in Gangseo, South Pyongan Province, Lee was a student at Seoul National University, where he was active as a literary youth, organizing the ‘Literature and Literature Society’ and appearing as a poet. After dropping out of college, he studied abroad in France in 1956, where he completed … -
Kang Hyeon-joo
He studied visual design at Seoul National University and Konstfack, Sweden, and worked at Allcommunication, a CI company. He is currently a professor at Inha University’s Department of Design Convergence. His books include Studies in the History of Design and Handbook of Korean Design History: Interviewing Korea’s Paul Rand, Cho Young-Jae , and his articles include “Correlation between Generation Shift and Corporate Design”, “The Characteristics and Meaning of Hong-Taik Han’s Design : The … -
John Thackara
John Thackara is a writer, advisor and event producer. For more than thirty years he has traveled the world in a search of stories about the practical steps taken by communities to realise a sustainable future. He writes about these stories online, and in books; he uses them in talks for cities, and business; he also organizes festivals and events that bring the subjects of these stories together. He curated the celebrated Doors of Perception conference for 20 years – first in Amsterdam, later … -
Kim Hyun
He is the CEO of Design Park, an invited artist at the Korea Design Exhibition, and a stamp reviewer at the Korea Postal Service, Ministry of Knowledge Economy. He graduated from Chung-Ang University and Konkuk University Graduate School of Education. After working as an art director in the design department of a large company, he opened his own office, Design Park, and has worked on over 400 corporate design projects, starting with the 1988 Seoul Olympics mascot, Hodol. From the cards in … -
Roel Klaassen
Roel Klaassen is Programme Manager at Premsela, Dutch Platform for Design and Fashion. Roel is a design enthusiast with an academic background in design, psychology and strategic management. At present he’s working on the People’s Republic of Design programme, a Premsela initiative that aims to stimulate the development of an open design culture. -
Lee Ju-yeon
An architectural critic, journalist, and architectural culture planner. Former editor-in-chief of the architecture and design magazine 《SPACE》, and currently a contributing editor for the architectural critique journal 《(WIDE AR)》. Focuses on the social and public aspects of architecture, as well as its relationship with civil society and urban communities. -
홍익대학교에서 시각 디자인을 전공하고 몇몇 대학교에서 강의하던 중 국립중앙박물관과 인연이 닿아 이십여 년 넘게 근무하고 있다. ‘박물관’ ‘디자인’ ‘문화’의 현장에서 활동하면서 디자인이 외적인 꾸밈새에만 함몰되고 있는 현상에 회의가 일었다. 다시 디자인을 생각하며 ‘어떻게 디자인할 것인가’의 문제가 아니라 ‘왜, 누구를 위해 디자인 하는가’의 문제와 맞닥뜨렸다. 그리고 디자인은 ‘꾸밈의 기술’이 아니라 ‘일상의 양식’이어야 함을 깨달았다. 기획/출간한 책으로 『오래된 디자인』 『한국전통문양집』 등이 있으며, 공동 집필한 책으로는 『디자인은 독인가, 약인가?』 『조형』 『디자인은 죽었다』 등이 있다.