Ahn Graphics

Hangeul Designer: Kim Jin-pyung



Common memory of Hangeul designer Kim Jin-pyung

The late Kim Jin-pyung, a master in Hangeul typography, talks about Hangeul design as well as his devotion and passion for Hangeul. This book attempts to promote widespread understanding, interest, and sympathy for Hangeul typography by introducing Kim’s works to people who are very much keen on typography in Hangeul.

Yoo Jung-sook

She graduated from Seoul Women’s University with a BFA in Visual Design and received her MFA in Typography from the same graduate school. After studying at Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany, she earned her Ph.D. in communication design at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and served as a research professor in the Department of Visual Design at Seoul Women’s University. Currently, she lectures at various universities and serves as a mid-career research officer of the National Research Foundation of Korea, auditor of the Electronic Publishing Society of Korea, and board member of the Korean Society of Basic Typography. He has published numerous papers, including A Study of Kim Jin-pyeong’s Logotype Design in Korean Typography , An Examination of the Changes and Formation of Old Korean Fonts: Focusing on Representative Literature from the 15th to 18th Centuries , and A Study of the Changes and Typographic Features of Digital Korean Fonts: Focusing on the Nemotle Font .


서울대학교 응용미술학과와 같은 학교 대학원에서 그래픽 디자인을 공부하고, 미국 이스턴미시간대학교(Eastern Michigan University) 대학원에서 타이포그래피로 석사 학위를 받았다. 1991년부터 한성대학교에서 디자인을 가르친다. 미국 시라큐스대학교(Syracuse University) 연구 교수, 한국타이포그라피학회 3대 회장을 지냈다. 현재 한국기초조형학회 미래기획위원장과 논문편집위원, 아시아네트워크비욘드디자인(Asia Network Beyond Design) 한국 대표로 활동하고 있다. 지은 책으로 『그리드』 『타입과 타이포그래피』 『한글공감』 『타이포그래픽 커뮤니케이션』 등이 있고, 옮긴 책으로 『텍스트와 타이포그래피』를 비롯해 『매거진 + 웹진 디자인』 등이 있다.
은 안그라픽스에서 발행하는 웹진입니다. 사람과 대화를 통해 들여다본
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