Ahn Graphics


Yoo Jung-sook


She graduated from Seoul Women’s University with a BFA in Visual Design and received her MFA in Typography from the same graduate school. After studying at Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany, she earned her Ph.D. in communication design at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and served as a research professor in the Department of Visual Design at Seoul Women’s University. Currently, she lectures at various universities and serves as a mid-career research officer of the National Research Foundation of Korea, auditor of the Electronic Publishing Society of Korea, and board member of the Korean Society of Basic Typography. He has published numerous papers, including A Study of Kim Jin-pyeong’s Logotype Design in Korean Typography , An Examination of the Changes and Formation of Old Korean Fonts: Focusing on Representative Literature from the 15th to 18th Centuries , and A Study of the Changes and Typographic Features of Digital Korean Fonts: Focusing on the Nemotle Font .

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