She graduated from Seoul Women’s University with a BFA in Visual Design and received her MFA in Typography from the same graduate school. After studying at Gesamthochschule Kassel, Germany, she earned her Ph.D. in communication design at Bergische Universität Wuppertal and served as a research professor in the Department of Visual Design at Seoul Women’s University. Currently, she lectures at various universities and serves as a mid-career research officer of the National Research Foundation of Korea, auditor of the Electronic Publishing Society of Korea, and board member of the Korean Society of Basic Typography. He has published numerous papers, including A Study of Kim Jin-pyeong’s Logotype Design in Korean Typography , An Examination of the Changes and Formation of Old Korean Fonts: Focusing on Representative Literature from the 15th to 18th Centuries , and A Study of the Changes and Typographic Features of Digital Korean Fonts: Focusing on the Nemotle Font .
Yoo Jung-sook
다른 사람들
서울과학기술대학교 IT정책대학원 디지털문화정책전공 교수. 「전쟁의 기억과 문화국가론」 「박물관의 윤리적 미래-박물관 행동주의의 계보를 중심으로」 「문화정책의 인구정치학적 전환과 예술가의 정책적 위상」 「이중섭 신화의 또 다른 경로(매체)들-1970년대의 이중섭 평전과 영화를 중심으로」 「미술사의 소비」를 저술했다. 지은 책으로 『모두의 학교-더 빌리지 프로젝트』(공저) 『한국현대미술 읽기』(공저) 『아시아 이벤트-서로 다른 아시아들의 경합』(공저)이 있다.
Kay Jun
She studied literature at Ewha Womans University and Seoul National University and pursued visual design at the Graduate School of Hongik University. After graduation, she worked as the publishing team leader at the design studio AGI Society. Starting with her master’s thesis, Photography as Text and Society as Image: Handling of Photography in Twen」 (2006), she has focused her research on the intersections of photography, text, and design. Currently, she runs the photography book publishing … -
Farah Kafei
Farah Kafei is a designer and art director who has led initiatives addressing gender disparity in design education and fostered communities pushing for a more inclusive industry. She’s had the pleasure of working for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and studios such as Sagmeister & Walsh and Doubleday & Cartwright. -
‘삶 디자이너, 생활 방식 모험가, 노머니경제센터장, 잔액부족초기 족장, 생각 수집가, 넝마스터, 다거점 거주 생활 방식을 위한 장소 임대업자, 낮 시간 기획자.’ 이렇게 이상한 직업을 스스로 만들어낸다. 산업디자인을 전공했으나 산업이 모두의 삶을 위협하는 시대임을 깨닫고 삶 디자인으로 개종했다. 삶을 어떻게 살릴 것인가? 삶을 죽이는 것은 무엇인가? 삶을 어디서부터 바꿀 것인가? 이런 화두로 도시에서의 주거 문제, 자급 생산, 생활 기술, 이동 수단, 에너지 전환, 커뮤니티 공간 등을 작업으로 발표한다. “돈이 없는 사람은 있어도 삶이 없는 사람은 없다. 누구나 가지고 있는 삶을 기반으로 시작할 수 있다.”라는 좌우명을 되새기며 살아간다. -
Choi Jeong-ho
A Pioneer of modern Korean type design and typeface research. He moved to Japan, where he worked at a printing company, mastering various printing techniques, and studied at Yodobashi Art Academy. In 1957, he developed the Dong-A Publishing Typeface , which received high acclaim. In the early 1970s, he collaborated with Japanese phototypesetting companies Shaken (寫硏) and Morisawa (モリサワ) to create Hangeul typefaces. In his later years, he focused on writing and researching the philosophy and … -
홍익대학교 및 동 대학원을 졸업하고 한국브랜드디자인학회 회장, 대한민국산업디자인전람회 초대 디자이너, 샌프란시스코주립대학 교환 교수로 활동했다. 한양대학교 디자인대학장 및 대학원장을 역임하고 현재 한양대학교 교수로 일한다. 지은 책으로 『현대 포장디자인』 『포장구조디자인』 등이 있다. -
Fraser Muggeridge
Runs a graphic design studio in London, UK, and has taught and lectured at various British universities and on international platforms. In 2009, co-organized the Form of the Book conference at St. Bride Library in London with Sara De Bondt. He also co-edited The Master Builder: Talking with Ken Briggs (Occasional Papers, 2009). -
Lee Hyun-song
A designer in the Brand Strategy Team at Hyundai Department Store, actively involved in infusing vitality into the brand through various activities such as brand positioning and campaigns across multiple media platforms. She is particularly interested in effectively communicating the brand’s direction to customers through design, exemplified by projects like the opening of The Hyundai Seoul. -
Choi Chul-yong
Choi Chul-Yong studied Textile Art and Fashion Design at Hongik University and its graduate school and later explored the intersection of design and art at the Domus Academy in Milan. After working as a fashion designer and art director for European fashion brands such as Meltin’pot (Italy), Wrangler Blue Bell (Belgium), and Marteli (Italy), he returned to Korea in 2009 and launched his own brand, Cy Choi. Cy Choi has held 18 presentations in Paris, participated in Seoul Fashion Week 10 times, … -
Ryu Biho
Since his first solo exhibition Steel Sun in 2000, she has been working with contemporary artists, exhibition curators, and media sociologists to co-organize and research new artistic activities in a media-connected society, such as Art Practice through Hacking (2001) and Parasite-Tactical Media Networks (2004-2006). While organizing and executing these activities, he has also executed various projects such as Dramatic Practice (2010), Co-operative Escape (2010), Twinfix (2011), In My Sky at … -
Go Hae-won
She graduated from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea, where she studied composition and the Master of Music program. Since then, she has worked as a composition instructor at the Conservatory of Music and Incheon Yeongo, and currently teaches students preparing for music college entrance exams at Suryeon Music Academy. She dreams of a harmonious life like an orchestra and continues her journey with music through her composing and arranging activities. -
Oh Gong-hoon
She graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in German. After working as a pop culture critic and book editor for a publishing house, she is now a professional translator from German and English. His translations include Design Sosa , Locker bleiben mit dem inneren Schweinehund , A Realist’s Walk in Psychology , From Starlight to Dew and The Secret Library of a Science Editorial Fanatic .