Ahn Graphics

A History of Graphic Design for Rainy Days


Everything you always wanted to know about graphic design but were too afraid to ask. One fateful rainy day, a bored kid asks his grandfather “what in the world is graphic design?” Starting with that innocent question, A History of Graphic Design for Rainy Days takes its readers on a charmingly illustrated and cleverly revealing whirlwind tour through this creative discipline’s milestone developments, personalities, and technologies. With its engaging design, humorous narratives, and fun-filled exercises, this activity book offers an entertaining look at the many aspects of graphic design―from typography’s humble beginnings at the dawn of the industrial revolution to the internet-based font distribution of today; from the first printed Christmas cards in the 1850s to David Carson’s revolutionary layouts of the late 1980s; from styles including art nouveau, Dada, Bauhaus, and psychedelic to innovators such as William Morris, Jan Tschichold, Saul Bass, and Jessica Helfand. A History of Graphic Design for Rainy Days has been created by Studio 3, the student-driven design agency from Oslo that also brought you the bestselling Hyperactivitypography from A to Z.

Studio 3

Studio 3 is an in-school design agency at the Graphic Design Department of Westerdals School of Communication in Oslo (Norway). Studio 3 was established in 2002 and exists of a handpicked selection of 15 truly dedicated 3rd year’s graphic design students.

Kim So-jeong

She studied visual design in South Korea and worked in design education and magazine design. After studying illustration in the UK, she now lives in the seaside town of Bournemouth, where she works as a designer and illustrator.
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