Ahn Graphics


Ko Il-hong


She graduated from the Department of Archaeology and Art History at Seoul National University and received her MA and PhD in archaeology from the University of Sheffield, UK. She has taught at Seoul National University, KyungHee University, Soongsil University, and Chungnam National University, and was a research professor at the HK Research Institute of Humanities at Seoul National University, and is currently a senior researcher at the Seoul National University Asia Center. She is the co-author of Out of Civilization (co-author), Introduction to Bronze Age Culture (co-author), Contact between East and West (co-author), and translations include What Happened in History, The Dawn of European Civilization, and The Past in Prehistoric Societies. Her publications include “An examination of the different perceptions of the ‘archaeological record’,” “An Examination of Bronze Age Houses Evidencing Use of Footstones from the Northern Region of the Korean Peninsula,” and “The Archaeological Exploration of Social Time.”

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