Ahn Graphics


Jin Whui-yeon


With a bachelor’s degree in Archaeology and Art History from Seoul National University and a master’s and Ph.D. in Art History from Columbia University, she has built a distinguished academic career. After teaching at the Samsung Design Institute (SADI) and the Department of Painting at Sungshin Women’s University, she is currently a professor at the Korea National University of Arts, School of Visual Arts. Her work focuses on the dynamic intersection of art exhibitions, criticism, theory, and art history. Studying in 20th-century New York, she explored the evolution and direction of contemporary art, understanding its inseparable connection to the broader history of art. She has authored books such as What is Avant-Garde?, Painters of Opera Street: 19th-Century French Civil Society and Art, Coexisting Differences: Contemporary Korean Women Artists, and Contemporary Art Through 22 Key Concepts, along with numerous research papers. She has served as President of the Korean Society of Art History and Chair of the Arts and Sports Advancement Council.

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