Hyundai Motor Company is a global leader in the automotive industry that exports vehicles to over 200 countries and has established production facilities worldwide. As the pioneer of Korea’s automotive industry, Hyundai made history with the development of the nation’s first independently designed model, the Pony. The company has continued its legacy of innovation via the introduction of the world’s first mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, XCIENT Fuel Cell, and the expansion its market presence with the launch of the premium brand, Genesis. By spearheading advancements in autonomous driving and connectivity technologies, Hyundai is actively shaping the future of mobility. Hyundai is committed to refining their technology to create a better future for all, guided by the mission of ‘Progress for Humanity.’ The company is on its way to realize humanity’s dreams of ‘safe and free movement and a peaceful life,’ sharing the benefits of its innovations with customers worldwide and earning their trust and loyalty.
Hyundai Motor Company
다른 사람들
Graduated from the Department of Applied Arts at Seoul National University and the Graduate School of Hongik University. A former professor at the College of Fine Arts at Hongik University, he also served as President of the Korean Society of Package Design. He contributed to significant projects such as creating cultural posters for the 36th Asian Games and signage and environmental design for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. His collaborative works include textbooks such as High School Design …
Kim Kwon-jin
He majored in visual design at Hongik University and was first introduced to photography through the photography club HIPS. In 2007, she started working as a commercial photographer and photographed many products such as Kerasis, Coway, and SWBK, as well as I Love You, Ji-seon (Munhakdongne), Seasonal Food Shop for Me (Panmidong), and Graphic (Propaganda). He started taking fashion photos while sharing an office with the fashion brand Brownbreath, and through a chance introduction to Cy Choi, … -
Josh A. Halstead
Josh Halstead is an epistemic activist working at the intersection of critical disability studies, design pedagogy, and community organizing. A recognized contributor to disability design discourse, they seek to unsettle and rupture normative systems of thought by centering marginalized perspectives. Halstead has been an invited lecturer in academic and industry settings—from Stanford to Google—and is co-author of the forthcoming book Extra Bold: A Feminist, Inclusive, Anti-Racist, Non-Binary … -
영상 애니메이션을 전공한 뒤 SBS디지털뉴스랩 작전콘텐츠팀에서 디자이너로 일하며 〈스브스뉴스〉 〈문명특급〉 등 다양한 브랜드 및 콘텐츠 디자인을 총괄하고 있다. 2021년부터는 친환경 커머스 브랜드 175플래닛의 디자인도 겸하고 있다. -
Ko Il-hong
She graduated from the Department of Archaeology and Art History at Seoul National University and received her MA and PhD in archaeology from the University of Sheffield, UK. She has taught at Seoul National University, KyungHee University, Soongsil University, and Chungnam National University, and was a research professor at the HK Research Institute of Humanities at Seoul National University, and is currently a senior researcher at the Seoul National University Asia Center. She is the … -
Lee Jee-hee
Graduated from the Department of Painting at Seoul National University’s College of Fine Arts and completed a master’s degree at the same institution. Earned a Master of Fine Arts in Computer Art from New York University (NYU) and a Ph.D. in Media Art from Soongsil University. Currently serves as a professor in the Department of Industrial Design at Hanyang Women’s University. -
Jeong Ha-rin
A typeface designer and graphic designer who studied Graphic Design at Yeungnam University and Yale University. From 2014 to 2017, he worked as a type researcher and designer at Ahn Graphics’ Typography Institute, where he contributed to the creation of AG Choijeongho Typeface and AG Superblack Gothic. During the same period, he taught typeface design at the PaTI (Paju Typography Institute). -
Jeong Eun-ju
Jeong Eun-ju graduated from Korea University with a B.A. in English Literature and completed an M.A. program in Performing Arts at Seoul National University. She currently works as a freelance translator and editor. She has translated books such as GRAPHIC and other magazines and exhibition catalogs, as well as Ways of Hearing , Invisible , Never Use Futura , Encyclopedie Artwork Books , and The White Review Interviews . -
국가인권위원회, 법무법인 덕수 등에서 변호사로 일했다. 2013년부터 공연예술 연구와 창작에 관여했고 2019년부터는 안무, 극작, 무용수 등으로 공연에 직접 참여하고 있다. 장애와 인권·예술·기술의 관계 등을 다루는 책과 논문을 발표했다. 『실격당한 자들을 위한 변론』(사계절, 2018), 『사이보그 가 되다』(공저, 사계절, 2021) 등의 책을 썼고 ‹사랑 및 우정에서의 차별금지법› ‹인정투쟁: 예술가편› ‹무용수-되기› 등의 공연에 출연했다. -
홍익대학교 및 동 대학원을 졸업하고 한국브랜드디자인학회 회장, 대한민국산업디자인전람회 초대 디자이너, 샌프란시스코주립대학 교환 교수로 활동했다. 한양대학교 디자인대학장 및 대학원장을 역임하고 현재 한양대학교 교수로 일한다. 지은 책으로 『현대 포장디자인』 『포장구조디자인』 등이 있다. -
Choi Sung-min
Choi Sulki and Choi Sung-min are graphic designers working around Seoul, South Korea. They met at Yale University where they both earned their MFA degrees. After working as researchers at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, they returned to Korea in 2005 to start their own practice. Since then, they have created graphic identities, promotional materials, publications and websites for many cultural institutions and individuals. From 2010 until 2013, they worked as graphic designers of the … -
Hwang Seong-won
A translator and reproductive laborer, she values the quiet hours spent crafting necessary items with her hands as much as the time spent reading and reflecting. In spring, she sows seeds and learns from the subtle changes in the environment that often escape human perception. Her translated works include The Man Who Became a Goat , The Climate Casino , The Dispossessed , Living Alone , and The Happiness Industry .