Awakened to the disarray in the Korean language, he dedicated himself to reviving dying words, simplifying difficult Sino-Korean terms into accessible native expressions, and interpreting Korean words in Korean. He established “Maum-Dakkeuneun Maeul” (Mind-Polishing Village) at the foot of Surime (Mount Songni) in the Sabara region (Sangju) of Nosarasa (Gyeongbuk). There, he leads meditation practices to help anyone polish their mind, freeing themselves from suffering to live a content and unburdened life.
Through “Pureun Nuri”, he strives to live in harmony with the natural laws (Nuri Byeori) alongside all living beings, sustaining life with naturally grown food from fields and meadows. Earlier in life, he worked toward empowering working people to become the true stewards of the nation and dedicated himself to uniting a divided Korea.
다른 사람들
Graduated from the Department of Visual Design at Hongik University’s College of Fine Arts and its Graduate School of Industrial Arts, and later from the Graduate School of Art and Design at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. Won an award at the international competition Extrasensory Museum hosted by Nikkei Inc. and participated in the planning and production of symbolic parade vehicles for the 50th Anniversary of Liberation. Currently serves as a professor of Visual Design in the Department of …
대학에서 문헌정보학을 공부했다. 《나일론》 매거진 피처 어시스턴트를 시작으로 《어라운드》 매거진, 안그라픽스에서 에디터로 일했다. 회사에 다니며 크고 작은 브랜드와 협업했고, 지금은 프리랜스 에디터 겸 아트 디렉터로 활동한다. 지은 책으로 『20킬로그램의 삶』이 있다. ‘작은 집에서, 넓은 사람과, 깊은 마음으로’ 살기를 꿈꾼다. -
Géraldine Borio
Dr Géraldine Borio is the founder of Borio Lab and an Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture. Dr Borio is a Swiss-registered architect who holds a PhD in architecture from RMIT, Australia, as well as a master’s degree in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Invested widely in knowledge transmission through teaching, research and publication, Dr Borio has conducted numerous workshops and lectures worldwide. Prior … -
다구치 준코
1985년 출생. 현재 도쿄 대학 대학원 박사 과정 재학. 건축 역사·도시 역사와 지역 리터러시 교육을 전공한다. 지역 만들기와 어린이 건축 교육에 관한 연구를 실시한다. 어린이 건축학교에는 2011년 후반기부터 티칭 어시스턴트(TA)로 참가했다. -
글꼴 디자이너이자 연구자. 2018년부터 ‘노타입’을 설립해 연구와 실험을 바탕으로 글자를 만들고 있다. 건국대학교, 이화여자대학교, 홍익대학교에서 타이포그래피를 가르친다. 2006년 홍익대학교 시각디자인과를 졸업하고 동 대학원에서 2008년 「일본어 음성 표기를 위한 한글 표기 체제 연구」로 석사 학위를, 2011년 「최정호 한글꼴의 형태적 특징과 계보 연구」로 박사 학위를 받았다. 2017년 네덜란드 헤이그 왕립예술학교에서 라틴 디자인을 수학했다. 공저로 『한글 디자이너 최정호』(2014), 『글립스 타입 디자인』(2022), 대표 글꼴로 옵티크(2019), 소리체(2020), 네이버 마루부리(2021), 기후위기폰트(2022)가 있다. -
Lee Yil
Lee-Yil is an art critic who made a significant contribution to recognizing and establishing the concept of art criticism and review in the Korean art world from the 1960s to the 1990s. Born in 1932 in Gangseo, South Pyongan Province, Lee was a student at Seoul National University, where he was active as a literary youth, organizing the ‘Literature and Literature Society’ and appearing as a poet. After dropping out of college, he studied abroad in France in 1956, where he completed … -
Jeon Nina
She graduated from the Department of Fiber Arts at Ewha Womans University and studied Motion Pictures at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, USA. She earned a master’s degree in Computer Art from the Academy of Art University (AAU) in San Francisco and completed a doctoral coursework in Media Design at the Cross Media Creative Lab in the Department of Digital Media at Ewha Womans University. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Department of Visual Design at Kaywon University of Art and … -
Kaleena Sales
Kaleena Sales is a writer, illustrator, and graphic design educator at Tennessee State University, an HBCU (Historically Black College and University), in Nashville, TN. She is endlessly interested in the intersection of Black culture and aesthetics and believes that identities and experiences have an invaluable role in helping to diversify the ways in which designers solve problems. Through her service on AIGA’s Design Educators Community Steering Committee, Kaleena advocated for a more … -
Emil Ruder
He was born in Zurich in 1914. After primary and secondary school in Zurich and vocational training as a caterer, he studied in Paris and earned a degree in French at the Cercle Commercial Suisse de Paris. He then worked as a commercial printer at a Zurich publishing house. He attended a weekly course in typesetting and letterpress at the Kunstgewerbeschule Zürich, where he learned typography from Alfred Willimann (1900-1957) and Walter Käh (1901-1970). In 1942 he was appointed permanent … -
The Arumjigi Foundation is a non-profit organization established in November 2001, dedicated to creatively preserving and passing down Korea’s traditional culture. Its mission is to rediscover the identity of Korean culture and cultivate new cultural heritage for future generations. Through efforts to care for Korea’s traditional cultural heritage and its surrounding environments, Arumjigi seeks to ensure that the values of tradition remain alive in modern life across clothing, … -
Jan Tschichold
1902년 독일 인쇄 산업의 중심지였던 라이프치히에서 태어났다. 라이프치히그래픽서적예술대학(Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig)에서 캘리그래피와 타이포그래피를 공부했다. 1923년 바우하우스 전시를 관람한 뒤, 1925년 《타이포그래피 보고서(Typographische Mitteilung)》에 「기본적인 타이포그래피(Elementare Typographie)」를 실어 유럽 인쇄업계에 이름을 알렸고, 1928년 현대적 그래픽 디자인 안내서인 『새로운 타이포그래피(Die neue Typographie)』를 발표해 새로운 타이포그래피와 관련된 논쟁을 촉발시켰다. 1933년 나치의 탄압으로 스위스로 이주한 뒤, 1935년, 과거 자신의 이론을 완숙하게 발전시켜 정리한 『타이포그래픽 디자인(Typographische Gestaltung)』을 발표했다. 1947년에서 1949년까지 영국 펭귄북스(Penguin Books)에서 아트디렉터로 일했다. … -
Ulf Meyer
Born in 1970 in Berlin, Germany. Writer, critic, and educator specializing in architecture. He studied architecture at the Technical University of Berlin(Germany) and the Illinois Institute of Technology(USA), worked at Inggenhofen Architects(Germany) and Shigeruban Architects(Japan), and was an architecture journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle (USA). He has published hundreds of articles on architecture and urban design in newspapers, magazines, and internet media in Europe and …