Ahn Graphics




A new dictionary composed entirely of Baedalmal (pure Korean words) from word to solution.

Pureunbaedalmaljip originated from Kim Su-eop, who used the pen name Bisbangul (Raindrop) and devoted his life to saving the Korean language and local culture. With the goal of ‘saving and cultivating our language so that we can easily and correctly communicate with each other, and building a book that explains the inner workings of the Baedalmaljip so that everyone can easily recognize it,’ Bisbangul decided to become a Korean language builders with Goljal (Choi In-ho), Nalgae (Ahn Sang-soo), Deulkkoch (Joo Jung-sik), Maju (Park Mun-hee), Hankkoch (Lee Yun-ok), and Hansil (Choi Seok-jin) and build “Baedalmaljip”. Then, when Bisbangul passed away in 2018, Hansil and the local community ‘Pureun Nuri’ took over and spent six years searching, collecting, and refining Korean words to publish the book. The book not only searches for Korean words that have been forgotten by the Chinese characters and Western words that are used in everyday life, but also writes all the solutions in Korean, and includes new words that have been newly introduced into Korean. As the author Hansil says, “No matter which side of this dictionary you open, you will find beautiful Korean words that are like beads and grains of rice.”


Awakened to the disarray in the Korean language, he dedicated himself to reviving dying words, simplifying difficult Sino-Korean terms into accessible native expressions, and interpreting Korean words in Korean. He established “Maum-Dakkeuneun Maeul” (Mind-Polishing Village) at the foot of Surime (Mount Songni) in the Sabara region (Sangju) of Nosarasa (Gyeongbuk). There, he leads meditation practices to help anyone polish their mind, freeing themselves from suffering to live a content and unburdened life. Through “Pureun Nuri”, he strives to live in harmony with the natural laws (Nuri Byeori) alongside all living beings, sustaining life with naturally grown food from fields and meadows. Earlier in life, he worked toward empowering working people to become the true stewards of the nation and dedicated himself to uniting a divided Korea.

Pureun Nuri

People who believe that if everything we discard and throw away becomes compost, we can live in harmony with the earth, keeping our living spaces clean and sharing the green bounty of the planet with all living beings. They dedicate their lives to farming during the summer, cultivating not just crops but a sustainable way of life.

Pureun Nuri

People who believe that if everything we discard and throw away becomes compost, we can live in harmony with the earth, keeping our living spaces clean and sharing the green bounty of the planet with all living beings. They dedicate their lives to farming during the summer, cultivating not just crops but a sustainable way of life.

Ahn Sang-soo

Ahn Sang-soo is a graphic designer and typographer with a keen interest in Korean visual culture. He studied in the Visual Communication Design Department at Hongik University, where he also completed his graduate studies. A former professor at his alma mater, he took early retirement in 2012 to establish the Paju Typography Institute, where he currently serves as the president, also known as ‘Nalgae.’ In 2007, he received the Gutenberg Prize from the city of Leipzig, Germany. He is also a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing and a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI).
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