Ahn Graphics


Park Ji-soo


Jisoo Park is a professor in the Department of Emotional Engineering at Sangmyung University. She is one of South Korea’s first-generation UI designers, having begun studying UI design in 1991 as a master’s student in the Department of Industrial Engineering at KAIST. After earning her Ph.D. in UI design from the same graduate school, she worked at the Daewoo Electronics Design Research Center, collaborating with designers on product UI design. She also served as the lead researcher for the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Emotional Engineering-Based Technology Development Project, conducting research on next-generation emotional products.

After working as a research fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of York in the UK, she spent six years as a professor in the Department of Design at the Korea National University of Arts. During this time, she participated in planning cultural technology R&D projects led by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and contributed to expanding the field of design into cultural content by planning cultural programs for the Hampyeong Butterfly Festival and producing real-world performances.

Since 2010, she has taught “Mobile UX/UI Planning and Design” at T Academy, operated by SK Planet. In 2012, she also lectured on UX planning in the “UX Design School,” hosted by the Korea Internet Professionals Association and sponsored by the Korea Communications Commission. She continues to educate students and industry professionals on UX planning and design methodologies.


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